ABSTRAKRawapening merupakan cekungan danau tektonik yang terjadi dari peristiwa tektonik gravitasi. Adanya struktur patahan dan lipatan yang terjadi akibat peristiwa tersebut juga menyebabkan terjadinya patahan akuifer sehingga muncul titik-titik mata air di DAS Rawapening. DAS Rawapening merupakan wilayah gunung api kerena sebagian besar jenis batuannya merupakan batuan vulkanik. Wilayah gunung api memiliki potensi besar dalam kemunculan mata air sehingga penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui persebaran mata air berdasarkan karakteristik fisik wilayah, debit, dan jenis mata airnya di DAS Rawapening.
Analisis asosiasi dan deskriptif digunakan untuk menjelaskan keadaan mata air tersebut. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar mata air muncul pada ketinggian kurang dari 500 mdpl dengan kelerengan 2 – 8 %, berada pada formasi geologi fasies gunung api kwarter muda (Gkm), berada pada wilayah produktivitas akuifer setempat, dan penggunaan tanah sekitar adalah kebun/perkebunan. Jenis mata air didominasi oleh mata air rekahan (fracture
springs) atau yang biasa disebut dengan mata air umbul dengan debit rata – rata sebagian besar adalah 1 – 10 liter/detik.
ABSTRACTRawapening is a tectonic lake basin that occurred from tectonic gravity process. That process formed structural faults and folds. The faults also fracturing the aquifer so there are many springs appear in Rawapening watershed. Rawapening watershed is categorized as a types of volcanic region because the geological formations mostly are volcanic rocks. Volcanic region has great potential in the emergence of springs so this study was conducted to determine the distribution of springs by physical characteristics of region, discharge, and types of springs. Descriptive and association analysis are used to describe the distribution of springs in Rawapening watershed. The results of the study showed that most of the springs appear at an altitude of less than 500 meters above sea level with
slopes 2-8%, with geological formations is volcanic facies young crater, at the local aquifer productivity, and surrounding landuse is a garden/farm. Types of springs dominated by fracture springs with average discharge mostly is 1-10 liters/sec., Rawapening is a tectonic lake basin that occurred from tectonic gravity process.
That process formed structural faults and folds. The faults also fracturing the
aquifer so there are many springs appear in Rawapening watershed. Rawapening
watershed is categorized as a types of volcanic region because the geological
formations mostly are volcanic rocks. Volcanic region has great potential in the
emergence of springs so this study was conducted to determine the distribution of
springs by physical characteristics of region, discharge, and types of springs.
Descriptive and association analysis are used to describe the distribution of
springs in Rawapening watershed. The results of the study showed that most of
the springs appear at an altitude of less than 500 meters above sea level with
slopes 2-8%, with geological formations is volcanic facies young crater, at the
local aquifer productivity, and surrounding landuse is a garden/farm. Types of
springs dominated by fracture springs with average discharge mostly is 1-10