[Penelitian ini menjelaskan mengenai media terapi permainan, serta fungsi media yang digunakan dalam terapi permainan pada anak tuna ganda di Wisma Tuna Ganda Palsigunung. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan desain deskriptif. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa terapi permainan merupakan terapi menggunakan alat bantu permainan yang mengandung nilai pendidikan
(edukasi) dan dapat merangsang seluruh aspek kemampuan (potensi) anak, yaitu: aspek motorik, aspek bahasa, aspek kognitif, dan aspek sosial. Terapi permainan tersebut diberikan kepada anak-anak tuna ganda dengan bimbingan para terapis.;This study describes media play therapy, and functions of the media used in the play therapy to children with multiple disabilities in Wisma Tuna Ganda Palsigunung. This study is a qualitative research with a descriptive design. Results of the study shows that the game therapy is the therapeutic use of tools that the game contains the value of education and can stimulate all aspects of capability (potential) children, such as: motoric aspects, aspects of language, cognitive aspects, and social aspects. The play therapy given to children with multiple disabilities with the guidance of the therapist.;This study describes media play therapy, and functions of the media used in the play therapy to children with multiple disabilities in Wisma Tuna Ganda Palsigunung. This study is a qualitative research with a descriptive design. Results of the study shows that the game therapy is the therapeutic use of tools that the game contains the value of education and can stimulate all aspects of capability (potential) children, such as: motoric aspects, aspects of language, cognitive aspects, and social aspects. The play therapy given to children with multiple disabilities with the guidance of the therapist.;This study describes media play therapy, and functions of the media used in the play therapy to children with multiple disabilities in Wisma Tuna Ganda Palsigunung. This study is a qualitative research with a descriptive design. Results of the study shows that the game therapy is the therapeutic use of tools that the game contains the value of education and can stimulate all aspects of capability (potential) children, such as: motoric aspects, aspects of language, cognitive aspects, and social aspects. The play therapy given to children with multiple disabilities with the guidance of the therapist.;;This study describes media play therapy, and functions of the media used in the play therapy to children with multiple disabilities in Wisma Tuna Ganda Palsigunung. This study is a qualitative research with a descriptive design. Results of the study shows that the game therapy is the therapeutic use of tools that the game contains the value of education and can stimulate all aspects of capability (potential) children, such as: motoric aspects, aspects of language, cognitive aspects, and social aspects. The play therapy given to children with multiple disabilities with the guidance of the therapist.;, This study describes media play therapy, and functions of the media used in the play therapy to children with multiple disabilities in Wisma Tuna Ganda Palsigunung. This study is a qualitative research with a descriptive design. Results of the study shows that the game therapy is the therapeutic use of tools that the game contains the value of education and can stimulate all aspects of capability (potential) children, such as: motoric aspects, aspects of language, cognitive aspects, and social aspects. The play therapy given to children with multiple disabilities with the guidance of the therapist.]