[Penelitian korelasional ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan gambaran mengenai
hubungan antara attributional feedback yang diberikan guru dan creative selfefficacy
pada pelajar sekolah menengah pertama. Attributional feedback
didefinisikan sebagai umpan balik yang menghubungkan kesuksesan atau
kegagalan dengan satu atau lebih penyebab (Schunk, 1987), sedangkan creative
self-efficacy didefinisikan sebagai keyakinan yang bersifat sementara pada
individu mengenai kemampuannya untuk melakukan tugas spesifik yang
membutuhkan produksi solusi-solusi baru, orisinal, dan sesuai (Abbott, 2010).
Pengukuran teacher attributional feedback dilakukan dengan alat ukur Teacher
Feedback Scale (Burnett, 2002) dan pengukuran creative self-efficacy dilakukan
dengan alat ukur Revised Model CTSE & CPSE II (Abbott, 2010). Data didapat
dari 154 orang partisipan pelajar sekolah menengah pertama di Jakarta. Hasil
penelitian menunjukkan terdapat hubungan positif signifikan antara teacher effort
feedback (r = 0,549) maupun teacher ability feedback (r = 0,542) dan creative
thinking self-efficacy serta antara teacher effort feedback (r = 0,495) maupun
teacher ability feedback (r = 0,489) dan creative performance self-efficacy,
seluruhnya pada L.o.S. 0,01. Berdasar pada hasil penelitian, peneliti menyarankan
pihak guru dan sekolah untuk berupaya memberikan attributional feedback yang
tepat dan sesuai kepada pelajar sekolah menengah pertama dalam rangka
mengembangkan creative self-efficacy pelajar untuk menghasilkan lulusan yang
kreatif., This correlational research was conducter to find the correlation between teacher
attributional feedback and creative self-efficacy on junior high school students.
Attributional feedback is defined as feedback which links students’ successes and
failures with one or more causes (Schunk, 1987). Creative self-efficacy is defined
as individual’s state-like belief in his or her own ability to perform specific tasks
required to produce novel, original, or appropriate solutions (Abbott, 2010).
Teacher attributional feedback was measured using Teacher Feedback Scale
(Burnett, 2002) and creative self-efficacy was measured using Revised Model
CTSE & CPSE II (Abbott, 2010). Data was collected from 154 junior high school
students in Jakarta. The main result shows that there are significant positive
correlations between teacher effort attributional feedback and creative thinking
self-efficacy (r = 0,549), between teacher ability attributional feedback and
creative thinking self-efficacy (r = 0,542), between teacher effort attributional
feedback and creative performance self-efficacy (r = 0,495), and also between
teacher ability attributional feedbackand creative performance self-efficacy (r =
0,489) at L.o.S 0,01. Based on this result, it is suggested for teachers and schools
to provide proper attributional feedbacks for the students in order to improve
students’ creative self-efficacy and students’ creativity as well.]