ABSTRAKTujuan: Mengetahui pengaruh gel ekstrak belimbing wuluh terhadap perubahan
warna email gigi. Metode: 30 spesimen gigi sapi dibagi menjadi 6 kelompok, yaitu
kelompok aplikasi gel ekstrak belimbing wuluh Aceh 70% , 80%, dan 90%, serta
ekstrak belimbing wuluh Bogor 70%, 80%, dan 90%. Aplikasi gel dilakukan selama
4 jam per hari dalam 14 hari aplikasi. Pengukuran nilai warna dilakukan awal,
setelah 7 hari, dan 14 hari aplikasi menggunakan VITA Easyshade® dengan
perhitungan perubahan warna didapat melalui rumus CIEL*a*b. Hasil: Dari uji t
berpasangan, didapatkan terjadi perubahan warna yang bermakna setelah 7 hari dan
14 hari aplikasi gel ekstrak belimbing wuluh Aceh dan Bogor konsentrasi 70% dan
80%. Kesimpulan: Peningkatan perubahan warna menyebabkan diskolorasi
permukaan email setelah aplikasi gel ekstrak belimbing wuluh.
ABSTRACTObjectives: To investigate the effect of gel containing small starfruit extracts to the
colour change of tooth enamel. Methods: 30 specimens of bovine teeth were divided
into 6 groups which would be applied with gels with different concentration (with
Aceh?s small starfruit extracts 70%, 80%, 90%, and Bogor?s small starfruit extracts
70%, 80%, 90%). Gel application was done 4 hours per day in 14 days. The
measurement of the colour change performed before application, 7 days, and 14 days
of application using VITA Easyshade® with calculation of the colour change was
obtained through CIEL*a*b* formula. Results: From dependent t-test, there was a
significant color change after 7 days and 14 days application of gel containing 70%
and 80% small starfruit extracts. Conclusion: Increased color changes causes
discoloration of enamel surface after application of gel starfruit extracts.