ABSTRAKSkripsi ini membahas Analisis Sistem Rekrutmen dan Seleksi Perawat di RS Qadr tahun 2011. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dan menggunakan pendekatan sistem. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan rekrutmen dan seleksi perawat di RS Qadr sudah cukup baik, namun masih diperlukan beberapa perbaikan untuk meningkatkan kualitas perawat baru. Terdapat beberapa komponen input yang memerlukan perbaikan yaitu, komponen Standar Opersional Prosedur (SOP) serta sarana dan prasarana. Sedangkan, pada komponen proses, ditemukan masalah serta dibutuhkan perbaikan pada komponen sumber rekrutmen, metode penarikan, hambatan pada proses rekrutmen dan seleksi serta evaluasi kegiatan rekrutmen. Masalah-masalah pada komponen tersebut menyebabkan kesempatan rumah sakit untuk mendapatkan perawat yang berkualitasdari segi pengetahuan, kemampuan dan keterampilan menjadi terbatas dan cenderung sulit. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan suatu perbaikan hingga perubahan pada setiap komponen dari masing-masing level.;
ABSTRACT This thesis is discussing about system recruitment analysis and nurse selection in Qadr hospital in 2011. This research conducted using qualitative methodology. The result showed that recruitment activity has been good enough. Although, still need to some improvement to better standardizations of nurse. There are several components that need to improve, rae component operational standard procedure called as (SOP) and infrastucture. Meanwhile, in component process, observer discovered problems in recruitment sources are need to be improved, the method of withdrawal, and obstacles in recruitment process and selection and evaluation process in recruitment activity. Problems in each component affect this caused the hospital opportunity to get qualified nurses in terms of knowledge, skills and abilities are limited and hard to achieve. Therefore, we need a repair to change on each component of each level.;This thesis is discussing about system recruitment analysis and nurse selection in Qadr hospital in 2011. This research conducted using qualitative methodology. The result showed that recruitment activity has been good enough. Although, still need to some improvement to better standardizations of nurse. There are several components that need to improve, rae component operational standard procedure called as (SOP) and infrastucture. Meanwhile, in component process, observer discovered problems in recruitment sources are need to be improved, the method of withdrawal, and obstacles in recruitment process and selection and evaluation process in recruitment activity. Problems in each component affect this caused the hospital opportunity to get qualified nurses in terms of knowledge, skills and abilities are limited and hard to achieve. Therefore, we need a repair to change on each component of each level., This thesis is discussing about system recruitment analysis and nurse selection in Qadr hospital in 2011. This research conducted using qualitative methodology. The result showed that recruitment activity has been good enough. Although, still need to some improvement to better standardizations of nurse. There are several components that need to improve, rae component operational standard procedure called as (SOP) and infrastucture. Meanwhile, in component process, observer discovered problems in recruitment sources are need to be improved, the method of withdrawal, and obstacles in recruitment process and selection and evaluation process in recruitment activity. Problems in each component affect this caused the hospital opportunity to get qualified nurses in terms of knowledge, skills and abilities are limited and hard to achieve. Therefore, we need a repair to change on each component of each level.]