ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat peranan refleksi, strategi refleksi, kesulitan
hidup, dan usia terhadap kebijaksanaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner
dan wawancara. Kuesioner yang digunakan adalah Kuesioner Karakteristik Orang
yang Bijaksana, Kuesioner Kebijaksanaan, Kuesioner Refleksi, Kuesioner Strategi
Refleksi, dan Kuesioner Pengalaman Hidup Sulit. Partisipan terdiri dari 29
nominator, 30 orang yang dipilih oleh nominator (terdiri dari 18 orang yang
dinominasi sebagai orang yang bijaksana dan 12 orang yang kurang
dinominasikan), dan 110 orang yang dipilih secara accidental. Hasil analisis
menunjukkan bahwa, refleksi kesulitan hidup memiliki peranan yang signifikan
dalam pencapaian kebijaksanaan seseorang. Kebijaksanaan dan refleksi
meningkat sejalan usia, pada orang yang dinominasi sebagai orang yang
bijaksana. Demikian pula pada orang awam yang memperoleh nilai tinggi di
kuesioner. Selanjutnya, pada orang yang dinominasi sebagai orang yang
bijaksana, ditemukan bahwa mereka menerapkan strategi refleksi self-distanced,
mempunyai sifat positif, melakukan refleksi diri, bersyukur, ada orang yang
mendukung, dan punya tokoh panutan. Sementara pada orang yang kurang
dinominasi sebagai orang yang bijaksana, mereka menerapkan strategi refleksi
self-immersed, cenderung kurang mampu mengatasi masalah, fokus pada sifat
negatif, kurang merefleksi diri, dan menyesali diri.
ABSTRAKThe goal of this research was to find out the role of reflection, reflection strategy,
difficult life experiences, and age towards wisdom attainment. It used
questionnaires and interviews. The questionnaires used were Wisdom, Reflection,
Reflection Strategy, and Difficult Life Experience Questionnaire. Participants
consisted of 29 nominators, 30 nominees (18 wisdom nominees and 12 lessnominated),
and 110 laypersons. Results revealed that the reflection of difficult
life experience has significant role in achieving one’s wisdom. Wisdom and
reflection increase with age on people nominated as wise. As well as lay persons
who got high score on the questionnaires. People nominated as wise used selfdistanced
reflection strategy, showed positive characteristics, do self-reflection, be
grateful, supported, dan have role models. While non wise people used selfimmersed
reflection strategy, tended to be less able to overcome problems, focus
on negativity, less in self-reflection, and regrets, The goal of this research was to find out the role of reflection, reflection strategy,
difficult life experiences, and age towards wisdom attainment. It used
questionnaires and interviews. The questionnaires used were Wisdom, Reflection,
Reflection Strategy, and Difficult Life Experience Questionnaire. Participants
consisted of 29 nominators, 30 nominees (18 wisdom nominees and 12 lessnominated),
and 110 laypersons. Results revealed that the reflection of difficult
life experience has significant role in achieving one’s wisdom. Wisdom and
reflection increase with age on people nominated as wise. As well as lay persons
who got high score on the questionnaires. People nominated as wise used selfdistanced
reflection strategy, showed positive characteristics, do self-reflection, be
grateful, supported, dan have role models. While non wise people used selfimmersed
reflection strategy, tended to be less able to overcome problems, focus
on negativity, less in self-reflection, and regrets]