ABSTRAKPhotovoltaic sebuah teknologi yang dapat mengubah sinar matahari menjadi
energi listrik dapat menjadi jawaban atas berkurangnya energi fosil sebagai bahan
utama penghasil listrik konvensional. Photovoltaic sebagai energi terbarukan
memiliki kelebihan tidak menimbulkan emisi karbon yang dapat menjadi
penyebab pemanasan global. Penggunaan photovoltaic khususnya di Indonesia
sebagian besar masih berupa panel yang disusun oleh sel-sel solar dengan daya
tertentu. Panel photovoltaic tersebut hanya menjadi sebuah alat penghasil listrik
terhadap bangunan.
Photovoltaic dapat dikembangkan menjadi bagian arsitektural dari suatu
bangunan. Salah satu alternatif ialah menggabungkannya dengan glass facade
yang disebut dengan Photovoltaic Glazing (PV Glazing). Unsur penyusun yang
sama antara sel solar dan kaca yaitu silika merupakan salah satu faktor utama
dapat bergabungnya kedua material ini. Material kaca yang memiliki
konduktivitas yang cukup besar menjadi suatu masalah bagi iklim di Indonesia.
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui keoptimalan pemasangan PV terhadap
glass facade dalam menghasilkan daya listrik dan kontribusinya dalam mereduksi
sinar yang masuk ke dalam bangunan.
Bangunan yang dijadikan studi kasus adalah Fakultas Ilmu Keprawatan
Universitas Indonesia (FIK UI) dengan façade kaca orientasi selatan dan
Manufacture Research Centre Universitas Indonesia (MRC UI) façade kaca
orientasi barat. Penentuan studi kasus mewakili orientasi arah glass façade dan
terhindar dari bayangan bangunan sekitar. Penelitian memakai simulasi software
PVsyst untuk mengetahui daya dan perangkat yang dibutuhkan dari masing
masing sampel yang selanjutnya dianalisa menggunakan parameter Performance
Ratio, Solar Fraction, Missing Energy dan Energi yang Tersedia. Untuk melihat
tingkat reduksi PV Glazing pada penelitian memakai simulasi Ecotec dan
perhitungan Heat Transfer.
Biaya pemasangan PV Glazing yang sangat tinggi membuat teknologi PV ini
dikategorikan teknologi yang mahal. Dengan melihat kepada kebutuhan listrik
kedua studi kasus pada penelitian ini, dengan menggunakan PV Glazing FIK UI
dapat menghemat Rp 63,076,350 per tahunnya dan MRC UI Rp 23,859,937.29
per tahunnya dibandingkan dengan listrik konvensional PLN.
ABSTRACTPhotovoltaic a technology that could converts sunlight into electrical energy can
be the answer of a diminished fossil energy as the principal ingredient electricitygenerating
conventional. Photovoltaic as renewable energy has an excess of it
does not cause of emission carbon that can be the cause of global warming.The
use of photovoltaic especially in indonesia most are still in the form of a panel that
was compiled by solar cells with specific resources. Photovoltaic panel was only
become an instrument electricity-generating toward the building.
Photovoltaic can be developed to become architectural part of an building.One
alternative is combining to glass facade which is called by photovoltaic glazing (
pv glazing ). A constituent of the same element between solar cell and glass that is
silica is one of the main factors integration both of this material. Glass that has
sizeable conductivity can be a problem for the climate in Indonesia. The research
is done for to know optimal mounting PV against glass facade in producing
electrical power and contribution in reducing array entering the building.
A building used as case study are Faculty of Nursing University of Indonesia with
south façade glazing orientation and Manufacturing Research Centre, University
of Indonesia with west façade glazing orientation.. The determination of the case
studies represents the orientation direction glass facade and spared from the
shadow of local buildings. Research using software PVsyst ssimulation to know
the required devices and power of each sample, then analyzed using the
Performance parameters, Solar Fraction, Missing Energy and available energy. To
see the level of reduction of PV Glazing on research, using software Ecotec
simulation and calculation of heat transfer.
Mounting cost of PV glazing very high makes this categorized technology is very
expensive. By looking to the need for electricity both of case study in this
research, by using PV glazing, FIK UI can save Rp 63,076,350 per year and MRC
UI Rp 23,859,937.29 per year compared with electricity conventional PLN;Photovoltaic a technology that could converts sunlight into electrical energy can
be the answer of a diminished fossil energy as the principal ingredient electricitygenerating
conventional. Photovoltaic as renewable energy has an excess of it
does not cause of emission carbon that can be the cause of global warming.The
use of photovoltaic especially in indonesia most are still in the form of a panel that
was compiled by solar cells with specific resources. Photovoltaic panel was only
become an instrument electricity-generating toward the building.
Photovoltaic can be developed to become architectural part of an building.One
alternative is combining to glass facade which is called by photovoltaic glazing (
pv glazing ). A constituent of the same element between solar cell and glass that is
silica is one of the main factors integration both of this material. Glass that has
sizeable conductivity can be a problem for the climate in Indonesia. The research
is done for to know optimal mounting PV against glass facade in producing
electrical power and contribution in reducing array entering the building.
A building used as case study are Faculty of Nursing University of Indonesia with
south façade glazing orientation and Manufacturing Research Centre, University
of Indonesia with west façade glazing orientation.. The determination of the case
studies represents the orientation direction glass facade and spared from the
shadow of local buildings. Research using software PVsyst ssimulation to know
the required devices and power of each sample, then analyzed using the
Performance parameters, Solar Fraction, Missing Energy and available energy. To
see the level of reduction of PV Glazing on research, using software Ecotec
simulation and calculation of heat transfer.
Mounting cost of PV glazing very high makes this categorized technology is very
expensive. By looking to the need for electricity both of case study in this
research, by using PV glazing, FIK UI can save Rp 63,076,350 per year and MRC
UI Rp 23,859,937.29 per year compared with electricity conventional PLN, Photovoltaic a technology that could converts sunlight into electrical energy can
be the answer of a diminished fossil energy as the principal ingredient electricitygenerating
conventional. Photovoltaic as renewable energy has an excess of it
does not cause of emission carbon that can be the cause of global warming.The
use of photovoltaic especially in indonesia most are still in the form of a panel that
was compiled by solar cells with specific resources. Photovoltaic panel was only
become an instrument electricity-generating toward the building.
Photovoltaic can be developed to become architectural part of an building.One
alternative is combining to glass facade which is called by photovoltaic glazing (
pv glazing ). A constituent of the same element between solar cell and glass that is
silica is one of the main factors integration both of this material. Glass that has
sizeable conductivity can be a problem for the climate in Indonesia. The research
is done for to know optimal mounting PV against glass facade in producing
electrical power and contribution in reducing array entering the building.
A building used as case study are Faculty of Nursing University of Indonesia with
south façade glazing orientation and Manufacturing Research Centre, University
of Indonesia with west façade glazing orientation.. The determination of the case
studies represents the orientation direction glass facade and spared from the
shadow of local buildings. Research using software PVsyst ssimulation to know
the required devices and power of each sample, then analyzed using the
Performance parameters, Solar Fraction, Missing Energy and available energy. To
see the level of reduction of PV Glazing on research, using software Ecotec
simulation and calculation of heat transfer.
Mounting cost of PV glazing very high makes this categorized technology is very
expensive. By looking to the need for electricity both of case study in this
research, by using PV glazing, FIK UI can save Rp 63,076,350 per year and MRC
UI Rp 23,859,937.29 per year compared with electricity conventional PLN]