ABSTRAKTesis ini berupaya menguji seberapa besar pengaruh tingkat kesehatan bank
terhadap penghimpunan dana pihak ketiga. Data sample yang digunakan adalah
laporan keuangan 30 bank go public yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia
selama tahun 2011 ? 2013. Parameter yang digunakan dalam tingkat kesehatan
bank adalah rasio KPMM (Kewajiban Penyediaan Modal Minimum) atau lebih
dikenal dengan rasio CAR (Capital Adequacy Ratio), NPL (Non Performing
Loan), ROA (Return on Assets), ROE (Return on Equity), NIM (Net Interest
Margin), LDR (Loan to Deposit Ratio), dan rasio BOPO (Beban Operasional
terhadap Pendapatan Operasional). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berbagai
rasio di atas secara bersama-sama memiliki pengaruh terhadap penghimpunan
dana pihak ketiga. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa rasio KPMM, ROA,
ROE, NIM dan BOPO secara individual memiliki pengaruh terhadap
penghimpunan dana pihak ketiga.
ABSTRACTThe thesis is trying to assess how much the significance of the bank soundness
level has the impact to third party fund garnering. The data sample used in the
research was published financial report of 30 go public banks listed in Indonesia
Stock Exchange during 2011 ? 2013. Parameter used in the bank soundness level
are CAR (Capital Adequacy Ratio), NPL (Non Performing Loan), ROA (Return
on Assets), ROE (Return on Equity), NIM (Net Interest Margin), LDR (Loan to
Deposit Ratio), dan Operating Expense to Operating Income ratio. The research
indicates that all the above ratios together have significant impact on third party
fund. The research also indicate that CAR, ROA, ROE, NIM and Operating
Expense to Operating Income ratio have the individual impact on third party fund;The thesis is trying to assess how much the significance of the bank soundness
level has the impact to third party fund garnering. The data sample used in the
research was published financial report of 30 go public banks listed in Indonesia
Stock Exchange during 2011 – 2013. Parameter used in the bank soundness level
are CAR (Capital Adequacy Ratio), NPL (Non Performing Loan), ROA (Return
on Assets), ROE (Return on Equity), NIM (Net Interest Margin), LDR (Loan to
Deposit Ratio), dan Operating Expense to Operating Income ratio. The research
indicates that all the above ratios together have significant impact on third party
fund. The research also indicate that CAR, ROA, ROE, NIM and Operating
Expense to Operating Income ratio have the individual impact on third party fund, The thesis is trying to assess how much the significance of the bank soundness
level has the impact to third party fund garnering. The data sample used in the
research was published financial report of 30 go public banks listed in Indonesia
Stock Exchange during 2011 – 2013. Parameter used in the bank soundness level
are CAR (Capital Adequacy Ratio), NPL (Non Performing Loan), ROA (Return
on Assets), ROE (Return on Equity), NIM (Net Interest Margin), LDR (Loan to
Deposit Ratio), dan Operating Expense to Operating Income ratio. The research
indicates that all the above ratios together have significant impact on third party
fund. The research also indicate that CAR, ROA, ROE, NIM and Operating
Expense to Operating Income ratio have the individual impact on third party fund]