ABSTRAKDalam kenyataan sekarang ini, Indonesia dilanda sebuah krisis, krisis ini
bukan dilahirkan dari perhitungan keuangan negara ataupun pengaruh naik
turunnya nilai rupiah terhadap dollar, tetapi diakibatkan oleh sebuah fenomena
krisis yang dihadapi oleh pemerintah yang mengakibatkan ketidakpercayaan
masyarakat terhadap upaya yang dilakukan pemerintah. ketidakpastian politik
nasional yang selalu digoncang dengan berbagai isu kejahatan para pejabat
pemerintah. Kondisi politik ini sangat berpengaruh terhadap stabilitas negara baik
secara politik, ekonomi, sosial, dan budaya sangat dipengaruhi oleh suhu politik
yang ada di negeri ini. Selama perpolitikan tidak stabil, negara ini tidak bisa
melakukan langkah pembangunan secara maksimal karena para elit bergulat
dengan masalahnya sendiri-sendiri. yaitu ketidakpercayaan rakyat terhadap
pemerintah dapat dilihat juga dari lahirnya ormas-ormas yang sering melakukan
main hakim sendiri. Ormas ini merupakan wujud ketidakpercayaan masyarakat
akan pemerintah. Pemerintah dianggap tidak bisa mengakomodasi kepentingan
atau keamanan mereka sehingga mereka membentuk organisasi yang dianggap
dapat menyalurkan aspirasi mereka. Organisasi seperti Forum Pembela Islam
(FPI), Pemuda Pancasila (PP), Forum Betawi Rempug (FBR), dan Forum
Komunikasi Anak Betawi (FORKABI) adalah usaha mereka mempertahankan
kepentingan golongan mereka. Keberadaan organisasi ini juga dapat dianggap
sebagai ?negara dalam negara?, karena mereka melakukan tindakan yang sering
tidak sesuai dengan prosedur hukum di Indonesia. Karena hal tersebutlah Polri
diwajibkan untuk berperan dalam hal penegakan hukum dan pengenaan sanksi
pidana menurut KUHP bagi pelaku-pelaku yang terlibat dalam kekerasan antar
ABSTRACTToday, Indonesia was hit by a crisis, the crisis is not born out of the
country or the financial calculations influence the rise and fall of the rupiah
against the dollar, but due to a phenomenon of the crisis faced by the government
which resulted in public mistrust of the government's efforts. National political
uncertainty that always shaken with crime issues government officials. The
political conditions greatly affect the stability of both countries political,
economic, social, and cultural strongly influenced by the political climate in this
country. During the unstable politics, this country can not perform optimally
development step because the elite grappling with the problem on their own.
public distrust in government can be seen also from the birth of mass
organizations often perform vigilante. This is a form of mass organizations would
distrust the government. The Government considered can not accommodate their
interests or security so that they form an organization that is considered to channel
their aspirations.Organizations such as Forum Pembela Islam (FPI), Pemuda
Pancasila (PP), Forum Betawi Rempug (FBR), and Forum Komunikasi Anak
Betawi (FORKABI) is the effort they defend their class interests. The existence of
these organizations can also be considered as a "state within a state", because they
often do not act in accordance with legal procedures in Indonesia. This is where
the Police Officers of Indonesian Republic step forward to enforce the laws and
imposition of criminal sanctions under the Criminal Code for the actors involved
in the violence between mass organization.;Today, Indonesia was hit by a crisis, the crisis is not born out of the
country or the financial calculations influence the rise and fall of the rupiah
against the dollar, but due to a phenomenon of the crisis faced by the government
which resulted in public mistrust of the government's efforts. National political
uncertainty that always shaken with crime issues government officials. The
political conditions greatly affect the stability of both countries political,
economic, social, and cultural strongly influenced by the political climate in this
country. During the unstable politics, this country can not perform optimally
development step because the elite grappling with the problem on their own.
public distrust in government can be seen also from the birth of mass
organizations often perform vigilante. This is a form of mass organizations would
distrust the government. The Government considered can not accommodate their
interests or security so that they form an organization that is considered to channel
their aspirations.Organizations such as Forum Pembela Islam (FPI), Pemuda
Pancasila (PP), Forum Betawi Rempug (FBR), and Forum Komunikasi Anak
Betawi (FORKABI) is the effort they defend their class interests. The existence of
these organizations can also be considered as a "state within a state", because they
often do not act in accordance with legal procedures in Indonesia. This is where
the Police Officers of Indonesian Republic step forward to enforce the laws and
imposition of criminal sanctions under the Criminal Code for the actors involved
in the violence between mass organization., Today, Indonesia was hit by a crisis, the crisis is not born out of the
country or the financial calculations influence the rise and fall of the rupiah
against the dollar, but due to a phenomenon of the crisis faced by the government
which resulted in public mistrust of the government's efforts. National political
uncertainty that always shaken with crime issues government officials. The
political conditions greatly affect the stability of both countries political,
economic, social, and cultural strongly influenced by the political climate in this
country. During the unstable politics, this country can not perform optimally
development step because the elite grappling with the problem on their own.
public distrust in government can be seen also from the birth of mass
organizations often perform vigilante. This is a form of mass organizations would
distrust the government. The Government considered can not accommodate their
interests or security so that they form an organization that is considered to channel
their aspirations.Organizations such as Forum Pembela Islam (FPI), Pemuda
Pancasila (PP), Forum Betawi Rempug (FBR), and Forum Komunikasi Anak
Betawi (FORKABI) is the effort they defend their class interests. The existence of
these organizations can also be considered as a "state within a state", because they
often do not act in accordance with legal procedures in Indonesia. This is where
the Police Officers of Indonesian Republic step forward to enforce the laws and
imposition of criminal sanctions under the Criminal Code for the actors involved
in the violence between mass organization.]