[Merupakan segmen dari lingkungan bersejarah yaitu Kompleks Kawasan Gedung Sate yang menjadi tempat representatif untuk melakukan berbagai macam aktivitas budaya masyarakat. Wujud yang paling nyata dari proses budaya tersebut yaitu munculnya beragam budaya populer di ruang terbuka Lapangan Gasibu dan Koridor Taman MPRJB. Wujud budaya populer itu diantaranya adalah : kegiatan festival dan kesenian, aktivitas olah raga, kegiatan perkumpulan komunitas, dan pasar kaget. Namun, kondisi ini menyebabkan terjadinya problema yang dilematis
pada perwajahan lingkungan menyangkut ide awal dan kenyataan yang ada sekarang. Untuk mencegah semakin memburuknya kondisi, maka diperlukan
sebuah upaya untuk membentuk sebuah pusat budaya sebagai ruang yang representatif agar aktivitas berkebudayaan itu mendapatkan ruang yang memadai. Perancangan pusat budaya tersebut adalah di daerah Sekeloa dan Koridor Taman
Monumen. Bertujuan untuk mewujudkan gagasan membuat garis lurus (sumbu imajiner) Gedung Sate ke Gunung Tangkuban Perahu. Konsep perancangan dirumuskan berdasarkan pendekatan cultural landscape. Cultural landscape dapat
menjadi tolak ukur untuk menilai dan membangun lingkungan tempat tinggal; sarana untuk mengatasi perbedaan antara lingkungan bersejarah dan lingkungan dengan segala pengembangan barunya; sarana yang mengakomodasi segala bentuk budaya yang berkembang. Metode penelusuran sejarah dan survey digunakan untuk menemukan pembentuk cultural landscape yang paling menonjol pada kawasan, yaitu berupa : nilai historis kawasan, beragam budaya, dan keunikan kondisi geografis kawasan tersebut yang menjadikan kawasan ini berpotensi menjadi sebuah kawasan wisata sejarah, pendidikan, budaya, dan kuliner. Dengan demikian, pemahaman cultural landscape dapat dijadikan sebagai
pedoman dalam pengaturan kuantitas dan kualitas unsur-unsur yang berhubungan dengan pembentukan dan penataan Kawasan Penggal Koridor dan Simpul Aksis Kawasan Gedung Sate ini, guna melestarikan dan mengembangkan kawasan tersebut agar tidak kehilangan identitas historis dan budayanya. Penataan dengan pendekatan cultural landscape diwujudkan dengan menggunakan prinsip desain Ekologikal Demokrasi, yang mengkaji manusia, alam, budaya, dan warisan bangunan bersejarah sebagai satu kesatuan pembentuk citra dan identitas tempat.
Corridor Segment Area and Kompleks Gedung Sate Axis Node is a part of the historic environment which is became the representative to perform a wide variety of cultural activities. The most obvious manifestation of the cultural process is the emergence of the variety popular culture in Gasibu Field and Corridor Segment Area. Manifestation popular culture that include : festivals and arts activities, sports activities, community association activities, and Pasar Kaget. However, this condition causes dilemma problems in the typographical arrangement environmental regarding the initial idea be compared with the fact now. To prevent worsening of the condition, it would require an effort to establish a cultural center as a representative space in order to the culture activity get thecomfortable space. The design of the cultural center is in the Sekeloa area and Corridor Segment Area. Aimed to realize the idea of making a straight line (the imaginary axis) from Gedung Sate to Tangkuban Perahu Mount. The concept design was formulated based on the cultural landscape approach. Cultural landscape can be a benchmark for assessing and building living environments; means to resolve differences between the historic environment and the environment with all the new development; facilities that accommodate all forms of culture that flourished. History research and survey methods used to discover the cultural landscape forming the most prominent in the region, which are : the historical value of the area, diversity of culture, and the unique of geographical conditions area, that made this area could potentially become a tourist destination, like history tourism, education tourism, culture tourism, and culinary tourism. Thereby, understanding the cultural landscape can be used as a guide to arrangements the quantity and quality of the elements involved in the formation and structuring Corridor Segment Area and Kompleks Gedung Sate Axis Node, to preserve and develop the area in order not lose the historical and cultural identity. Arrangement of the cultural landscape approach is realized by using ecological democracy design principles, which examines the human, natural, cultural, historic and heritage buildings as a whole forming the image and identity of theplace.;Corridor Segment Area and Kompleks Gedung Sate Axis Node is a part of thehistoric environment which is became the representative to perform a wide varietyof cultural activities. The most obvious manifestation of the cultural process is theemergence of the variety popular culture in Gasibu Field and Corridor Segment Area. Manifestation popular culture that include : festivals and arts activities, sports activities, community association activities, and Pasar Kaget. However, this condition causes dilemma problems in the typographical arrangement environmental regarding the initial idea be compared with the fact now. To prevent worsening of the condition, it would require an effort to establish a cultural center as a representative space in order to the culture activity get the comfortable space. The design of the cultural center is in the Sekeloa area and Corridor Segment Area. Aimed to realize the idea of making a straight line (the imaginary axis) from Gedung Sate to Tangkuban Perahu Mount. The concept design was formulated based on the cultural landscape approach. Cultural landscape can be a benchmark for assessing and building living environments; means to resolve differences between the historic environment and the environment with all the new development; facilities that accommodate all forms of culture that flourished. History research and survey methods used to discover the cultural landscape forming the most prominent in the region, which are : the historical value of the area, diversity of culture, and the unique of geographical conditions area, that made this area could potentially become a tourist destination, like history tourism, education tourism, culture tourism, and culinary tourism. Thereby, understanding the cultural landscape can be used as a guide to arrangements the quantity and quality of the elements involved in the formation and structuring Corridor Segment Area and Kompleks Gedung Sate Axis Node, to preserve and develop the area in order not lose the historical and cultural identity. Arrangement of the cultural landscape approach is realized by using ecological democracy design principles, which examines the human, natural, cultural, historic and heritage buildings as a whole forming the image and identity of theplace.;Corridor Segment Area and Kompleks Gedung Sate Axis Node is a part of thehistoric environment which is became the representative to perform a wide varietyof cultural activities. The most obvious manifestation of the cultural process is theemergence of the variety popular culture in Gasibu Field and Corridor SegmentArea. Manifestation popular culture that include : festivals and arts activities,sports activities, community association activities, and Pasar Kaget. However, thiscondition causes dilemma problems in the typographical arrangementenvironmental regarding the initial idea be compared with the fact now. Toprevent worsening of the condition, it would require an effort to establish acultural center as a representative space in order to the culture activity get thecomfortable space.The design of the cultural center is in the Sekeloa area and Corridor SegmentArea. Aimed to realize the idea of making a straight line (the imaginary axis) fromGedung Sate to Tangkuban Perahu Mount. The concept design was formulatedbased on the cultural landscape approach. Cultural landscape can be a benchmarkfor assessing and building living environments; means to resolve differencesbetween the historic environment and the environment with all the newdevelopment; facilities that accommodate all forms of culture that flourished.History research and survey methods used to discover the cultural landscapeforming the most prominent in the region, which are : the historical value of thearea, diversity of culture, and the unique of geographical conditions area, thatmade this area could potentially become a tourist destination, like history tourism,education tourism, culture tourism, and culinary tourism.Thereby, understanding the cultural landscape can be used as a guide toarrangements the quantity and quality of the elements involved in the formationand structuring Corridor Segment Area and Kompleks Gedung Sate Axis Node, topreserve and develop the area in order not lose the historical and cultural identity.Arrangement of the cultural landscape approach is realized by using ecologicaldemocracy design principles, which examines the human, natural, cultural,historic and heritage buildings as a whole forming the image and identity of theplace.;Corridor Segment Area and Kompleks Gedung Sate Axis Node is a part of thehistoric environment which is became the representative to perform a wide varietyof cultural activities. The most obvious manifestation of the cultural process is theemergence of the variety popular culture in Gasibu Field and Corridor SegmentArea. Manifestation popular culture that include : festivals and arts activities,sports activities, community association activities, and Pasar Kaget. However, thiscondition causes dilemma problems in the typographical arrangementenvironmental regarding the initial idea be compared with the fact now. Toprevent worsening of the condition, it would require an effort to establish acultural center as a representative space in order to the culture activity get thecomfortable space.The design of the cultural center is in the Sekeloa area and Corridor SegmentArea. Aimed to realize the idea of making a straight line (the imaginary axis) fromGedung Sate to Tangkuban Perahu Mount. The concept design was formulatedbased on the cultural landscape approach. Cultural landscape can be a benchmarkfor assessing and building living environments; means to resolve differencesbetween the historic environment and the environment with all the newdevelopment; facilities that accommodate all forms of culture that flourished.History research and survey methods used to discover the cultural landscapeforming the most prominent in the region, which are : the historical value of thearea, diversity of culture, and the unique of geographical conditions area, thatmade this area could potentially become a tourist destination, like history tourism,education tourism, culture tourism, and culinary tourism.Thereby, understanding the cultural landscape can be used as a guide toarrangements the quantity and quality of the elements involved in the formationand structuring Corridor Segment Area and Kompleks Gedung Sate Axis Node, topreserve and develop the area in order not lose the historical and cultural identity.Arrangement of the cultural landscape approach is realized by using ecologicaldemocracy design principles, which examines the human, natural, cultural,historic and heritage buildings as a whole forming the image and identity of theplace., Corridor Segment Area and Kompleks Gedung Sate Axis Node is a part of thehistoric environment which is became the representative to perform a wide varietyof cultural activities. The most obvious manifestation of the cultural process is theemergence of the variety popular culture in Gasibu Field and Corridor SegmentArea. Manifestation popular culture that include : festivals and arts activities,sports activities, community association activities, and Pasar Kaget. However, thiscondition causes dilemma problems in the typographical arrangementenvironmental regarding the initial idea be compared with the fact now. Toprevent worsening of the condition, it would require an effort to establish acultural center as a representative space in order to the culture activity get thecomfortable space.The design of the cultural center is in the Sekeloa area and Corridor SegmentArea. Aimed to realize the idea of making a straight line (the imaginary axis) fromGedung Sate to Tangkuban Perahu Mount. The concept design was formulatedbased on the cultural landscape approach. Cultural landscape can be a benchmarkfor assessing and building living environments; means to resolve differencesbetween the historic environment and the environment with all the newdevelopment; facilities that accommodate all forms of culture that flourished.History research and survey methods used to discover the cultural landscapeforming the most prominent in the region, which are : the historical value of thearea, diversity of culture, and the unique of geographical conditions area, thatmade this area could potentially become a tourist destination, like history tourism,education tourism, culture tourism, and culinary tourism.Thereby, understanding the cultural landscape can be used as a guide toarrangements the quantity and quality of the elements involved in the formationand structuring Corridor Segment Area and Kompleks Gedung Sate Axis Node, topreserve and develop the area in order not lose the historical and cultural identity.Arrangement of the cultural landscape approach is realized by using ecologicaldemocracy design principles, which examines the human, natural, cultural,historic and heritage buildings as a whole forming the image and identity of theplace.]