ABSTRAKTesis ini mengungkapkan proses knowledge capture yang terjadi pada penyusunan
tesaurus PDII-LIPI dengan mengadopsi model konversi pengetahuan SECI yang
diutarakan oleh Nonaka dan Takeuchi (1995). Penelitian ini adalah penelitian
kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa
proses penyusunan tesaurus PDII-LIPI dilihat sebagai proses terjadinya knowledge
capture dari setiap anggota tim ketika mereka bertukar pengetahuan dan
pengalaman di dalam diskusi rutin pertemuan penyusunan tesaurus PDII-LIPI.
Saran yang diajukan adalah perlu model atau format sesuai dengan standar
konstruksi tesaurus berbasis teknologi informasi sebagai pedoman kerja dalam
penyusunan tesaurus PDII-LIPI. Peran masing-masing anggota tim penyusun
tesaurus juga diharapkan sebagai pengolah pengetahuan dalam proses konversi
pengetahuan tacit menjadi pengetahuan eksplisit organisasi. Oleh karena itu
kegiatan selanjutnya, sub bagian pengolahan literatur di PDII-LIPI dapat
mengembangkan knowledge management system sesuai dengan tahapan sosialisasi,
eksternalisasi, kombinasi dan internalisasi.
ABSTRACTThis thesis reveals the process of knowledge capture that occurs in the creation of
PDII-LIPI?s thesaurus by adopting the knowledge conversion model of SECI
proposed by Nonaka and Takeuchi (1995). This study is a qualitative study with a
phenomenological approach. The results show that knowledge capture occured
among member during the routine discussion of the PDII-LIPI?s thesaurus
construction. This thesis suggests the need of a standard model or guidelines for the
thesaurus construction based on information technology. In addition, each team
member should play the role to convert their tacit knowledge to be the explicit
knowledge of the organization. Later on, the Sub Division of Literature Processing
in PDII-LIPI will be able to develop a knowledge management system in
accordance with the stages of socialization, externalization, combination and
internalization.;This thesis reveals the process of knowledge capture that occurs in the creation of
PDII-LIPI?s thesaurus by adopting the knowledge conversion model of SECI
proposed by Nonaka and Takeuchi (1995). This study is a qualitative study with a
phenomenological approach. The results show that knowledge capture occured
among member during the routine discussion of the PDII-LIPI?s thesaurus
construction. This thesis suggests the need of a standard model or guidelines for the
thesaurus construction based on information technology. In addition, each team
member should play the role to convert their tacit knowledge to be the explicit
knowledge of the organization. Later on, the Sub Division of Literature Processing
in PDII-LIPI will be able to develop a knowledge management system in
accordance with the stages of socialization, externalization, combination and
internalization., This thesis reveals the process of knowledge capture that occurs in the creation of
PDII-LIPI?s thesaurus by adopting the knowledge conversion model of SECI
proposed by Nonaka and Takeuchi (1995). This study is a qualitative study with a
phenomenological approach. The results show that knowledge capture occured
among member during the routine discussion of the PDII-LIPI?s thesaurus
construction. This thesis suggests the need of a standard model or guidelines for the
thesaurus construction based on information technology. In addition, each team
member should play the role to convert their tacit knowledge to be the explicit
knowledge of the organization. Later on, the Sub Division of Literature Processing
in PDII-LIPI will be able to develop a knowledge management system in
accordance with the stages of socialization, externalization, combination and