ABSTRAKTesis ini berfokus pada dimensi metodologi yang digunakan untuk magang. Ini
menggambarkan metode dan menunjukkan "kecerdasan" yang berarti adaptasi dengan
konteks dan kebutuhan klien, kemudian mengusulkan penilaian awal dalam logika
umpan balik kapitalisasi.
Tujuan utama dari kursus adalah untuk mempelajari bagaimana menggunakan
pendekatan seperti Biaya Non Kualitas dalam beberapa unit Entreprise X Bisnis: Mitra
(Divisi: Building, Eco-bisnis, Retail, Proyek Mitra), Energi, IT, Industri.
Hasil yang diharapkan tentu saja adalah tiga: untuk mengidentifikasi model biaya untuk
mengusulkan untuk mengubah praktik Entreprise X, dan mengusulkan sebuah rencana
aksi untuk implementasi perubahan yang telah diadopsi, dan akhirnya menetapkan cara
menggabungkan langkah-langkah saat ini.
ABSTRACTThis thesis focuses on the methodological dimension used for the internship. It
describes the method and shows the "intelligence" which means the adaptation to the
context and needs of the client, then proposes an initial assessment in a logic of
capitalization feedback.
The main objective of the course is to study how to use an approach like Non Quality
Cost in the several Entreprise X Business units : Partner (Divisions : Building, Eco-
Business, Retail, Partner Projects), Energy, IT, Industry.
The expected outcomes of the course are threefold: to identify the cost models to
propose to change the practices of Entreprise X, and propose an action plan for the
implementation of changes that have been adopted, and finally define how to combine
the current measures;This thesis focuses on the methodological dimension used for the internship. It
describes the method and shows the "intelligence" which means the adaptation to the
context and needs of the client, then proposes an initial assessment in a logic of
capitalization feedback.
The main objective of the course is to study how to use an approach like Non Quality
Cost in the several Entreprise X Business units : Partner (Divisions : Building, Eco-
Business, Retail, Partner Projects), Energy, IT, Industry.
The expected outcomes of the course are threefold: to identify the cost models to
propose to change the practices of Entreprise X, and propose an action plan for the
implementation of changes that have been adopted, and finally define how to combine
the current measures, This thesis focuses on the methodological dimension used for the internship. It
describes the method and shows the "intelligence" which means the adaptation to the
context and needs of the client, then proposes an initial assessment in a logic of
capitalization feedback.
The main objective of the course is to study how to use an approach like Non Quality
Cost in the several Entreprise X Business units : Partner (Divisions : Building, Eco-
Business, Retail, Partner Projects), Energy, IT, Industry.
The expected outcomes of the course are threefold: to identify the cost models to
propose to change the practices of Entreprise X, and propose an action plan for the
implementation of changes that have been adopted, and finally define how to combine
the current measures]