ABSTRAKTesis ini mengulas ruang sosial yang tercipta pada ruang-ruang yang dapat diakses
dengan bebas para pengguna di gedung Perpustakaan Universitas Indonesia.
Gedung Perpustakaan Universitas Indonesia telah bertransformasi, tidak hanya
secara fisik namun juga termasuk pemanfaatannya oleh para pengguna
perpustakaan. Dengan menggunakan metode fenomenologi, penelitian tidak hanya
melihat realitas dalam ruang sosial yang diciptakan para pengguna perpustakaan,
namun juga menggali interpretasi dan makna para pengguna perpustakaan atas
realitas sosial yang terjadi di perpustakaan. Ruang sosial yang tercipta di gedung
perpustakaan Universitas Indonesia selalu terikat pada pemaknaan pengguna atas
ruang (fisik) perpustakaan yang muncul dalam aktifitas dan relasi sosial yang
tercipta di perpustakaaan. Dari hasil wawancara yang dilakukan kepada
pustakawan dan para pengguna aktif, diketahui bahwa ruang sosial yang tercipta
di setiap ruang (fisik) gedung perpustakaan Universitas Indonesia memiliki ciri
khasnya masing-masing.
ABSTRACTThe thesis is to review the social space that created in the rooms that can be
accessed by the user freely at the University of Indonesia Library building. The
University of Indonesia Library buliding has been transformed, not only
physically but also includes the utilization by library users. By using the methods
of phenomenology, the study not only look reality in the social space created by
the users of the library, but also explore the interpretation and meaning of library
users of social reality that is happening in the library. Tha social space that created
in the University of Indonesia library buliding always bound to users
interpretation on library‟s form and spatial arrangement. The users interpretation
appear in the activities and social relations created in perpustakaaan. From the
results of interview that conducted to librarian and active users, known that the
social space that created in each room at University of Indonesia Library building
has a trademark respectively.;The thesis is to review the social space that created in the rooms that can be
accessed by the user freely at the University of Indonesia Library building. The
University of Indonesia Library buliding has been transformed, not only
physically but also includes the utilization by library users. By using the methods
of phenomenology, the study not only look reality in the social space created by
the users of the library, but also explore the interpretation and meaning of library
users of social reality that is happening in the library. Tha social space that created
in the University of Indonesia library buliding always bound to users
interpretation on library‟s form and spatial arrangement. The users interpretation
appear in the activities and social relations created in perpustakaaan. From the
results of interview that conducted to librarian and active users, known that the
social space that created in each room at University of Indonesia Library building
has a trademark respectively., The thesis is to review the social space that created in the rooms that can be
accessed by the user freely at the University of Indonesia Library building. The
University of Indonesia Library buliding has been transformed, not only
physically but also includes the utilization by library users. By using the methods
of phenomenology, the study not only look reality in the social space created by
the users of the library, but also explore the interpretation and meaning of library
users of social reality that is happening in the library. Tha social space that created
in the University of Indonesia library buliding always bound to users
interpretation on library‟s form and spatial arrangement. The users interpretation
appear in the activities and social relations created in perpustakaaan. From the
results of interview that conducted to librarian and active users, known that the
social space that created in each room at University of Indonesia Library building
has a trademark respectively.]