ABSTRAKTesis ini membahas tentang hubungan aksesibilitas terhadap faktor dominan yang
mempengaruhi fluktuasi harga sewa perkantoran. Pada bagian yang pertama,
diidentifikasi terlebih dahulu faktor-faktor yang secara dominan berpengaruh
terhadap harga sewa pada properti perkantoran di DKI Jakarta dengan
mengaplikasikan model analisa harga hedonik. Pada bagian kedua, diteliti
hubungan antara aksesibilitas, faktor makro ekonomi di Indonesia dan pasar
mikro terkait sektor perkantoran di DKI Jakarta dengan menggunakan metode
model sistem dinamik.
Hasil analisa model harga hedonik menunjukkan bahwa faktor yang paling
dominan terhadap harga sewa perkantoran adalah aspek aksesibilitas terhadap
lingkungan sekitar sehingga dapat berinteraksi di area Central Business District
(CBD) dan aksesibilitas terhadap sarana/prasarana transportasi yaitu moda Kereta
Api (KA) dan jalan tol dengan tingkat kepercayaan 80,7%. Selanjutnya dari
analisa model sistem dinamik diperoleh bahwa dengan mengatur skenario faktor
aksesibilitas terhadap moda KA dapat diperoleh harga sewa perkantoran sebesar
Rp. 344.008,- per m2 per bulan pada tahun 2030, sedangkan dengan mengatur
skenario faktor aksesibilitas terhadap jalan tol dapat diperoleh harga sewa
perkantoran sebesar Rp. 327.291,- per m2 per bulan pada tahun 2030 dan dengan
skenario tanpa melakukan perbaikan faktor aksesibilitas diperoleh harga sewa
perkantoran sebesar Rp. 293.272,- per m2 per bulan pada tahun 2030. Berdasarkan
hasil penelitian ini, disarankan agar pemerintah lebih meningkatkan aksesibilitas
terhadap sarana/prasarana transportasi di perkotaan, terutama moda KA dan jalan
tol guna mendukung kemajuan dunia usaha dalam rangka meningkatkan
pertumbuhan perekonomian.
ABSTRACTThis thesis discusses the accessibility relation with the dominant factor which
affects the fluctuations in the price of the rental office. In the first part,
identification factors that predominantly affect the rent price on the property
office in Jakarta is analized by applying hedonic price analysis model. In the
second part, investigation to the relationship between accessibility of Indonesia's
macroeconomic factors and market in relating to the micro sector offices in
Jakarta is analized by using dynamical system models.
The analysis of hedonic pricing model shows that the most dominant price factor
to the rental office are accessibility aspects to the surrounding environment and
how they can interact in the CBD area and furthermore the accessibility of
facilities or infrastructure mode of transport such as railway and highway with a
80.7 % confidence level. From the analysis of the dynamic system model, by
setting the scenario of accessibility factor to railway modes, office rental price can
be obtained at Rp.344.008. - per m square per month in 2030, while by regulating
accessibility to the motorway scenario, office rental price can be obtained at
Rp.327.291. - per m square per month in 2030. Lastly, by applying scenario of
without doing any repairs to the accessibility factor, office rental price can be
obtained at Rp.293, 272. - per m square per month in 2030. Based on this study, it
is suggested that the government should further improve the accessibility mainly
the transport infrastructure in railway and toll road modes to support the
expansion of the business in order to increase economic growth;This thesis discusses the accessibility relation with the dominant factor which
affects the fluctuations in the price of the rental office. In the first part,
identification factors that predominantly affect the rent price on the property
office in Jakarta is analized by applying hedonic price analysis model. In the
second part, investigation to the relationship between accessibility of Indonesia's
macroeconomic factors and market in relating to the micro sector offices in
Jakarta is analized by using dynamical system models.
The analysis of hedonic pricing model shows that the most dominant price factor
to the rental office are accessibility aspects to the surrounding environment and
how they can interact in the CBD area and furthermore the accessibility of
facilities or infrastructure mode of transport such as railway and highway with a
80.7 % confidence level. From the analysis of the dynamic system model, by
setting the scenario of accessibility factor to railway modes, office rental price can
be obtained at Rp.344.008. - per m square per month in 2030, while by regulating
accessibility to the motorway scenario, office rental price can be obtained at
Rp.327.291. - per m square per month in 2030. Lastly, by applying scenario of
without doing any repairs to the accessibility factor, office rental price can be
obtained at Rp.293, 272. - per m square per month in 2030. Based on this study, it
is suggested that the government should further improve the accessibility mainly
the transport infrastructure in railway and toll road modes to support the
expansion of the business in order to increase economic growth, This thesis discusses the accessibility relation with the dominant factor which
affects the fluctuations in the price of the rental office. In the first part,
identification factors that predominantly affect the rent price on the property
office in Jakarta is analized by applying hedonic price analysis model. In the
second part, investigation to the relationship between accessibility of Indonesia's
macroeconomic factors and market in relating to the micro sector offices in
Jakarta is analized by using dynamical system models.
The analysis of hedonic pricing model shows that the most dominant price factor
to the rental office are accessibility aspects to the surrounding environment and
how they can interact in the CBD area and furthermore the accessibility of
facilities or infrastructure mode of transport such as railway and highway with a
80.7 % confidence level. From the analysis of the dynamic system model, by
setting the scenario of accessibility factor to railway modes, office rental price can
be obtained at Rp.344.008. - per m square per month in 2030, while by regulating
accessibility to the motorway scenario, office rental price can be obtained at
Rp.327.291. - per m square per month in 2030. Lastly, by applying scenario of
without doing any repairs to the accessibility factor, office rental price can be
obtained at Rp.293, 272. - per m square per month in 2030. Based on this study, it
is suggested that the government should further improve the accessibility mainly
the transport infrastructure in railway and toll road modes to support the
expansion of the business in order to increase economic growth]