ABSTRAKPenelitian ini untuk melihat hubungan beban kerja, stres kerja dan kepuasan kerja dengan
kinerja perawat pelaksana. Pengumpulan data menggunakan lembar angket. Analisa data
menggunakan metode univariat dengan uji statistik prosentase, chi square dan regresi logistik
berganda. Hasil penelitian didapat Sebagian besar perawat pelaksana 65 orang (63,5%)
memiliki kinerja yang baik, sebagian besar perawat pelaksana memiliki beban kerja yang
berat 103 orang (57,9%), stres kerja relatif lebih tinggi pada kategori tidak stres sebesar 117
orang (65,7%), sebagian besar perawat pelaksana puas dalam bekerja sebesar 126 orang
(70,8%). Hasil uji chi square ada hubungan beban kerja (p value = 0,039), ada hubungan
stres kerja (p value = 0,030), ada hubungan kepuasan kerja (0,001) dengan kinerja perawat
pelaksana. Hasil uji statistik regresi logistik berganda variabel kepuasan kerja merupakan
variabel yang paling dominan berhubungan dengan kinerja perawat pelaksana. Implikasi bagi
keperawatan hasil ini dapat memperkaya referensi keilmuan dalam bidang manajemen
keperawatan khususnya dalam pengelolaan kinerja perawat pelaksana.
ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between the work load, work
stress, and work satisfaction with working performance of staff nurse. Data were analyzed
using univariate, chi square, and multiple logistic regressions. The result revealed that
majority of staff nurses have a good working performance (63.5%), a high workload (57%),
no work stress (65.7%), a high work satisfaction (70.8%). The chi square showed there was a
significant correlation between the work load (p = 0,039), work stress (p = 0,030), and work
satisfaction (p =0,001) with working performance of staff nurses. The multiple logistic
regression revealed that work satisfaction was the most dominant variable for staff nurse
working performance. Implication for treatment result of this can enrich science reference in
the field of management of treatment especially in management of treatment working
performance of staff nurses.;The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between the work load, work
stress, and work satisfaction with working performance of staff nurse. Data were analyzed
using univariate, chi square, and multiple logistic regressions. The result revealed that
majority of staff nurses have a good working performance (63.5%), a high workload (57%),
no work stress (65.7%), a high work satisfaction (70.8%). The chi square showed there was a
significant correlation between the work load (p = 0,039), work stress (p = 0,030), and work
satisfaction (p =0,001) with working performance of staff nurses. The multiple logistic
regression revealed that work satisfaction was the most dominant variable for staff nurse
working performance. Implication for treatment result of this can enrich science reference in
the field of management of treatment especially in management of treatment working
performance of staff nurses., The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between the work load, work
stress, and work satisfaction with working performance of staff nurse. Data were analyzed
using univariate, chi square, and multiple logistic regressions. The result revealed that
majority of staff nurses have a good working performance (63.5%), a high workload (57%),
no work stress (65.7%), a high work satisfaction (70.8%). The chi square showed there was a
significant correlation between the work load (p = 0,039), work stress (p = 0,030), and work
satisfaction (p =0,001) with working performance of staff nurses. The multiple logistic
regression revealed that work satisfaction was the most dominant variable for staff nurse
working performance. Implication for treatment result of this can enrich science reference in
the field of management of treatment especially in management of treatment working
performance of staff nurses.]