ABSTRAKPT Pembiayaan XYZ menghadapi potensi kerugian operasional tapi belum
memiliki pengukuran risiko operasional. Disamping itu ada kewajiban dari
Holding Company dan juga dari regulator untuk kedepannya untuk menjalankan
manajemen risiko. Penelitian ini mengukur risiko OpVaR dengan menggunakan
metode Extreme Value Theory dan metode Loss Distribution Approach
Aggregation. Dari kedua metode ini menghasilkan perhitungan yang valid, namun
pengukuran risiko operasional yang lebih realistis adalah metode Loss
Distribution Approach Aggregation Method.
ABSTRACTPT. XYZ did not have any adequate operational risk management. Holding
Company and the regulators required PT. XYZ to implement risk management for
the operational activities. The purpose of this research is to measure the OpVaR
by using Extreme Value Theory and Loss Distribution Approach Aggregation
Method. Both methods indicate the valid measurement but the result of Loss
Distribution Approach Aggregation Method shows more significant;PT. XYZ did not have any adequate operational risk management. Holding
Company and the regulators required PT. XYZ to implement risk management for
the operational activities. The purpose of this research is to measure the OpVaR
by using Extreme Value Theory and Loss Distribution Approach Aggregation
Method. Both methods indicate the valid measurement but the result of Loss
Distribution Approach Aggregation Method shows more significant, PT. XYZ did not have any adequate operational risk management. Holding
Company and the regulators required PT. XYZ to implement risk management for
the operational activities. The purpose of this research is to measure the OpVaR
by using Extreme Value Theory and Loss Distribution Approach Aggregation
Method. Both methods indicate the valid measurement but the result of Loss
Distribution Approach Aggregation Method shows more significant]