ABSTRAKJembatan Selat Sunda (JSS) merupakan mega proyek dengan dana terbesar di
Indonesia. Peran jembatan ini sangat penting sebagai fungsi transportasi
penghubung Jawa dan Sumatra. Permasalahan baru timbul akibat rendahnya
tingkat pengembalian investasi jembatan jika hanya mengandalkan dari
pendapatan lalu-lintas. Sebuah gagasan untuk meningkatkan fungsi dari jembatan
ini telah diteliti pada penelitian sebelumnya melalui penambahan fungsi energi
dan pariwisata. Dari penelitian ini didapat desain konseptual struktur JSS dengan
penambahan fungsi energi dan pariwisata serta estimasi Life Cycle Cost sebesar
Rp 201,07 Trilyun di tahun 2017
ABSTRACTSunda Strait Bridge (SSB) is a mega project with the largest funds in Indonesia.
This has an important role as a bridge connecting Java and Sumatra. A new
problems appears due to the low rate of return on investment if only rely on bridge
traffic revenue. An idea to improve the function of the bridge has been
investigated in previous research through the addition of energy and tourism
functions. This research shows conceptual design SSB structure with the addition
of energy and tourism functions and Life Cycle Cost estimated of Rp 201.07
trillion in 2017.;Sunda Strait Bridge (SSB) is a mega project with the largest funds in Indonesia.
This has an important role as a bridge connecting Java and Sumatra. A new
problems appears due to the low rate of return on investment if only rely on bridge
traffic revenue. An idea to improve the function of the bridge has been
investigated in previous research through the addition of energy and tourism
functions. This research shows conceptual design SSB structure with the addition
of energy and tourism functions and Life Cycle Cost estimated of Rp 201.07
trillion in 2017., Sunda Strait Bridge (SSB) is a mega project with the largest funds in Indonesia.
This has an important role as a bridge connecting Java and Sumatra. A new
problems appears due to the low rate of return on investment if only rely on bridge
traffic revenue. An idea to improve the function of the bridge has been
investigated in previous research through the addition of energy and tourism
functions. This research shows conceptual design SSB structure with the addition
of energy and tourism functions and Life Cycle Cost estimated of Rp 201.07
trillion in 2017.]