ABSTRAKNutrisi yang baik berkontribusi pada tumbuh kembang anak usia sekolah. Tujuan
penelitian ini mengetahui hubungan karakteristik keluarga dan tugas kesehatan kel
uarga dalam pemenuhan nutrisi dengan status gizi anak usia sekolah. Desain penel
itian cross sectional, menggunakan metode proportional random sampling, respo
nden sebesar 276. Sampel penelitian siswa kelas 4-5 beserta orangtua siswa di SD
wilayah kelurahan Pondokranggon. Uji statistik menggunakan chi-square dan regr
esi logistik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada hubungan signifikan jumlah anak d
alam keluarga, kemampuan keluarga merawat dengan status gizi anak usia sekola
h. status gizi anak usia sekolah tidak terlepas dari kemampuan keluarga melakuka
n tugas kesehatan keluarga khususnya kemampuan keluarga merawat.
ABSTRACTOne of the support systems in school age children's growth and development is n
utrition. The goal research is correlation family characteristic and family health ta
sk in nutrition status. This experiment using design with cross sectional. 276 sam
ples were taken with proportional random sampling method. The samples are stud
ents grade 4-5 in one of the elementary schools in kelurahan pondokranggon. Stati
stic test with chi-square and logistic. This experiment give result that there are cor
relation between child member in a family and family capability in full fill school
age children's nutrition. Sschool age children's nutrition dependent with the family
capability in nurture;One of the support systems in school age children's growth and development is n
utrition. The goal research is correlation family characteristic and family health ta
sk in nutrition status. This experiment using design with cross sectional. 276 sam
ples were taken with proportional random sampling method. The samples are stud
ents grade 4-5 in one of the elementary schools in kelurahan pondokranggon. Stati
stic test with chi-square and logistic. This experiment give result that there are cor
relation between child member in a family and family capability in full fill school
age children's nutrition. Sschool age children's nutrition dependent with the family
capability in nurture, One of the support systems in school age children's growth and development is n
utrition. The goal research is correlation family characteristic and family health ta
sk in nutrition status. This experiment using design with cross sectional. 276 sam
ples were taken with proportional random sampling method. The samples are stud
ents grade 4-5 in one of the elementary schools in kelurahan pondokranggon. Stati
stic test with chi-square and logistic. This experiment give result that there are cor
relation between child member in a family and family capability in full fill school
age children's nutrition. Sschool age children's nutrition dependent with the family
capability in nurture]