Tidur merupakan kebutuhan fisiologis manusia, perempuan mengalami perubahan pola tidur dan kehilangan waktu tidurnya di malam hari setelah melahirkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi hubungan karakteristik responden, kelelahan, kecemasan, dukungan suami, temperamen bayi dengan kualitas tidur ibu postpartum.
Desain penelitian cross sectional dengan sampel 168 yang diambil dengan consecutive sampling di wilayah Kecamatan Prambanan dan Jogonalan. Pengambilan data menggunakan intrumen kelelahan, kecemasan, dukungan suami, Infant Characteristic Questionnaire (ICQ), dan Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index (PSQI).
Hasil uji regresi logistik sebagian besar ibu postpartum mengalami kualitas tidur buruk dan faktor yang paling mempengaruhi kualitas tidur adalah temperamen bayi. Pemberian intervensi yang untuk membantu istirahat tidur pada ibu postpartum terutama pada ibu yang memiliki bayi dengan temperamen sulit.
Sleep is one of human physiological needs. Women experience changes in sleep patterns and decreased sleep duration at night after childbirth. This study aimed to identify the correlation between the respondents’ characteristics, fatigue, anxiety, the husband’s support, the infant temperament and sleep quality in postpartum mothers. The study design was cross-sectional. The samples were 168 postpartum mothers, selected by consecutive sampling in Prambanan and Jogonalan District. Data were collected using the instruments of fatigue, anxiety, the husband's support, the Infant Characteristic Questionnaire (ICQ), and the Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). The result of logistic regression test showed that most postpartum mothers experience poor sleep quality and the most influencing factor was the infant temperament. It is recommended to provide interventions to promote sleep and rest in postpartum mothers, especially in women who have difficult temperament babies.