Penelitian ini bertujuan membahas bagaimana media televisi dan BMKG menerapkan prinsip-prinsip Excellence Communication yang dikembangkan James Grunig. Excellence Communication memiliki tiga unsur berkaitan yakni; Knowledge Core, Shared Expectation, dan Participative Culture. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma post positivisme, pendekatan kualitatif, dan bersifat deskriptif. Metode pengumpulan data melalui studi literatur, observasi dan wawancara mendalam. Penelitian menunjukkan media televisi dan BMKG menerapkan Excellence Communication, namun belum sepenuhnya memenuhi kriteria Grunig, karena tidak semua televisi menjalani SOP penyebaran informasi gempa, sehingga kadang terjadi perbedaan menindaklanjuti informasi gempa. Selain itu, posisi Humas tidak memiliki akses langsung, sehingga tidak terlibat rapat pembuatan keputusan menganalisa informasi gempa.
This study aims to discuss how to apply the principles Communication Excellence by James Grunig at television and BMKG. Communication Excellence has three elements; Core Knowledge, Shared Expectation, and Participative Culture. This study used the paradigm of post-positivism, qualitative approach and descriptive. Methods of data collection through literature study, observation and in-depth interviews. Research shows television Communication Excellence has implemented, but not fully meet the Grunig's criteria, because not all television crew follow SOP of earthquake information dissemination, so sometimes there is a difference in following the earthquake information. In addition, the position of public relation (PR) does not have direct access, so no decision-making meeting involved analyzing earthquake information.