Penelitian ini mengkaji efektivitas penerapan prinsip parent-child interaction therapy untuk mengatasi masalah separation anxiety disorder (SAD) pada anak. Partisipan adalah seorang anak laki-laki berusia 6 tahun 11 bulan. Saat pre-treatment assessment, subjek menunjukkan perilaku memukul, merengek, menangis, dan berteriak saat ibu pergi. Pengukuran dengan CBCL menunjukkan bahwa kelompok masalah externalizing dan internalizing partisipan berada dalam rentang klinis, skor intensitas dan masalah ECBI melebihi skor cut off klinis. Pengukuran dengan Screen For Child Anxiety Related Disorders (SCARED) menunjukkan anak mengalami masalah SAD. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penerapan prinsip parent-child interaction therapy efektif dalam mengurangi gejala SAD pada anak. Partisipan mampu berpisah dengan ibu tanpa menunjukkan gejala SAD, masalah externalizing dan internalizing menjadi non klinis, skor intensitas ECBI juga mengalami penurunan pada tingkat dibawah skor cut off klinis, namun pengukuran dengan menggunakan SCARED menunjukkan bahwa partisipan masih menunjukkan gejala separation anxiey disorder, hasil ini berlawanan dengan seluruh hasil pengukuran Post-treatment assessment lainnya.
This study examines the effectiveness of parent-child interaction therapy (PCIT) to reduce symptoms of separation anxiety disorder (SAD) in children. The participant is a 6 years and 11 months old boy from middle social-economic background. At the beginning of treatment process, the participant showed several symptoms of SAD in maternal separation situation. Further, the result of CBCL profile indicated that the participant's internalizing and externalizing problems are at the clinical range, ECBI scores is also higher than the clinical cut off score. In addition SCARED measurement score showed that the participant was having SAD problem. After the treatment , participant is able to separate from his mother without showing any symptoms of SAD. This indicated that PCIT is efffective in reducing SAD in this participant. There is no clinical problem in participant's CBCL profile, ECBI intensity score is also decrease at a rate below clinical cut off score, however post-treatment.