ABSTRAK Latar belakang: Refluks laringofaring (RLF) dipertimbangkan sebagai salah satu faktor risiko karsinoma laring dengan proporsi yang cukup tinggi. Pemeriksaan ELISA pepsin dapat menjadi pemeriksaan penunjang untuk RLF yang tidak invasif dengan nilai sensitifitas dan spesifisitas yang tinggi. Tujuan: Mengetahui sebaran karakteristik pasien karsinoma laring, proporsi RLF berdasarkan kadar pepsin pada pasien karsinoma laring dan hubungan RLF berdasarkan kadar pepsin dengan karakteristik pasien karsinoma laring. Metode: Desain penelitian observasional analitik dengan jumlah subjek karsinoma laring sebanyak 26 orang. Subjek diminta untuk mengumpulkan sputum sebanyak 2 kali (pepsin I dan pepsin II) untuk kemudian dilakukan pemeriksaan ELISA pepsin. Hasil: Didapatkan 24 dari 26 subjek berjenis kelamin laki-laki dengan rerata usia 60,65±8,41 tahun, 7 subjek peminum alkohol berat, 12 subjek perokok berat dan 24 subjek merupakan stadium lanjut karsinoma laring. Semua subjek didapatkan menderita RLF dan didapatkan hubungan yang bermakna antara kadar pepsin I (daytime/ provoked RLF) dengan konsumsi alkohol serta perbedaan bermakna kadar pepsin I dengan perokok berat dan ringan. Kesimpulan: Refluks laringofaring dapat menjadi faktor risiko bersamaan dengan konsumsi alkohol dan rokok pada pasien karsinoma laring. ELISA pepsin dapat menjadi pemeriksaan penunjang adanya RLF terutama pada pasien dengan karsinoma laring mengingat sifatnya yang tidak invasif dan cukup murah.
ABSTRAK Background: Laryngopharyngeal Reflux (LPR) is suspected to be a risk factor for laryngeal cancer with a high prevalence according to recent studies. ELISA pepsin can be used in diagnosing LPR as it is a noninvasive technique with great sensitivity and specificity. Objectives: To find the characteristics of laryngeal cancer patient, proportion of LPR based on the pepsin value and correlation between LPR based on the pepsin value and the characteristics of laryngeal cancer patient. Methods: Observational analytic study with 26 subjects of laryngeal cancer. All subjects were asked to collect the sputum twice (pepsin I and pepsin II) to evaluated later with ELISA. Result: Twenty four out of 26 subjects were male with mean age 60,65±8,41 years, 7 subjects were severe drinkers, 12 subjects were severe smokers and 24 subjects were late stage laryngeal cancer. All of the subjects were diagnose with LPR and there was a significant correlation between the value of pepsin I (daytime/ provoked LPR) with alcohol consumption and also a significant difference of the value of pepsin I in heavy and light smoker. Conclusion: LPR could be considered as a risk factor together with alcohol consumption and smoking status. ELISA pepsin could be a supporting examination for LPR especially in laryngeal cancer patient as it is a noninvasive and inexpensive method.