ABSTRAKSkripsi ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kemunculan hunian ruko yang tertutup dengan
jendela berteralis besi, pintu berlapis ganda, dan berkerangkeng milik masyarakat Tionghoa di pusat
kota Medan. Penampilan ruko yang demikian memberikan kesan tertutup dan sepertinya ada upaya
menghindar atau bersembunyi dari sesuatu yang mengancam (ketakutan – ‘Fear’). Tujuan dari
skripsi ini adalah untuk mengungkapkan alasan di balik tampilan menutup diri (memagari –
‘Fence’) pada hunian ruko masyarakat Tionghoa kota Medan itu. Adapun pertanyaan yang muncul adalah
apakah ada hubungan antara kehidupan masyarakat Tionghoa dengan hunian ruko yang tertutup semacam
itu khususnya sesudah tahun 1966 (pasca peristiwa G30SPKI) hingga saat ini? Apakah ada hubungannya
antara tampilan ruko dengan jendela berteralis besi, pintu berlapis ganda, dan berkerangkeng
sebagai ‘fence’ dengan ‘fear’? Untuk mencari tahu jawaban atas pertanyaan tersebut di atas,
penulis melakukan metoda pengumpulan data melalui studi literatur, wawancara, dokumentasi,
dan permintaan data dari badan pemerintahan, yang semuanya lalu dibahas secara analisis-kritikal.
Penulis mendapatkan temuan bahwa faktor ‘fear’ sangat mempengaruhi tampilan hunian ruko masyarakat
Tionghoa. ‘Fence’ menjadi strategi hunian yang terbentuk untuk meminimalisir/meresponse munculnya
‘fear’ akibat kehidupan yang keras (tingkat kriminalitas yang tinggi) di kota Medan.
ABSTRACTThis undergraduate thesis was triggered
with iron-fenced-windows, double layer Medan. The appearance of these such sh expression of
avoidance or hiding fro writing is to reveal the reason behind th shop-houses. There are some
question between Chinese cultural life and the cl
1966 (after G30SPKI) until present? Is t of Chinese shop-houses with iron-fence and iron-fenced
cage as ‘fence’ and t questions, some methods are applied in interviews, photo documentation, an
government; which all of them are anal finds that ‘fear’ factor is very influenti
of Chinese shop-houses in Medan. ‘ minimize / response to ‘fear’ on the sho by its high criminal
ratings) in Medan.This undergraduate thesis was triggered by the appearance of Chinese shop-houses
with iron-fenced-windows, double layered and barred doors, and iron-fenced cages in
Medan. The appearance of these such shop-houses gives impression of closeness and
expression of avoidance or hiding from something (‘fear’). The purpose of this
writing is to reveal the reason behind the ‘closed’ or ‘fenced’ appearance of Chinese
shop-houses. There are some questions to raise whether there is a relationship
between Chinese cultural life and the closed shop-houses phenomena especially after
1966 (after G30SPKI) until present? Is there any relationship between the appearance
of Chinese shop-houses with iron-fenced-window, double layered and barred doors,
and iron-fenced cage as ‘fence’ and the impact of ‘fear’ itself? To answer these
questions, some methods are applied into this writing including literature studies,
interviews, photo documentation, and also important statistical datas from
government; which all of them are analytically and critically discussed. This study
finds that ‘fear’ factor is very influential in the formation of ‘defensive’ appearance
of Chinese shop-houses in Medan. ‘Fence’ becomes a strategy for Chinese to
minimize / response to ‘fear’ on the shop houses caused by the hard life (conditioned
by its high criminal ratings) in Medan.