ABSTRAKSistem Informasi Monitoring Lalu Lintas Devisa bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi mengenai kegiatan lalu lintas devisa yang dilakukan oleh penduduk (residents) secara lengkap, akurat dan tepat waktu.
Analisa sistem informasi monitoring lalu lintas devisa meliputi Analisa Bisnis dengan menggunakan Porter Competitive Model dan Work Centered Analysis (WCA) Framework, Analisa Proses menggunakan Data Flow Diagram, Analisa Data Modeling menggunakan E-R Diagram dan Analisa Teknologi menggunakan konsep 3-Tier.
Design dan implementasi Sistem Informasi Monitoring Lalu Lintas Devisa meliputi design aplikasi web database ( On-Liae Transactional Processing I OLTP), design aplikasi datawarehouse (On-Line Analytical Processing I OLAP), dan implementasi aplikasi web database dan datawarehouse.
Melalui Sistem Informasi Monitoring Lalu Lintas Devisa diharapka.1 pengambilan kebijakan moneter oleh Bank Indonesia selaku Otoritas Moneter akan lebih efektif dan effisien.
ABSTRACTThe aim of Foreign Exchange Monitoring Information System is to get a comprehensive, accurate and timely information regarding resident's foreign exchange transaction.
The Analyzing of Foreign Exchange Monitoring Information System comprises Business Analyst, which done by Porter Competitive Model and Wcrk Ce,ltered Analysis (WCA) Framework, Process Analyst by Data Flow Diagram, Data Modding Analyze by E-R Diagram and Tecnology Analyze by 3-Tier concept.
Design and Implementation of Foreign Exchange Monitoring Information System covers the application design web database (On-Line Transactional Processing I OLTP), application design datawarehouse (On-Line Analytical Processing I OLAP), and implementation of web database application and datawarehouse.
Hopefully, Foreign Exchange Monitoring Information System will support Bank Indonesia as Monetary Authority, in monetary and policy making, effectively and efficiently.