Untuk mengantisipasi persaingan di era globalisasi, dunia usaha perlu mengoptimalkan
produktivitas dan menghindari ekonomi biaya tinggi. Salah satu solusinya adalah Labour Market
Flexibility yang diterapkan dengan memperlonggar aturan-aturan dalam pasar tenaga kerja.
Outsourcing adalah salah satu bentuk penerapan dari Labor Market Flexibility. Sejak reformasi
undang-undang ketenagakerjaan, terjadi pergeseran model hubungan industrial dari corporatist
model ke contractualist, di mana intervensi pemerintah cenderung terhadap ketenagakerjaan
berkurang.Penerapan konsep fleksibilitas hubungan kerja semestinya diimbangi dengan peran
efektif pemerintah dalam melakukan pengawasan dan pembangunan hukum, menata sistem pasar
kerja yang aman secara sosial ekonomi bagi pekerja.
In order to anticipate the competition in the globalisation era, company must optimize itsproductivity and avoid high cost economy. One of the solutions is with labor market flexibility,which is applied by relaxing regulations in labor market. Outsourcing is one form of the labormarket flexibility practice. Since the reformation of Manpower act, there has been an industrialrelation model shift from corporatist model ke contractualist model, in which the governmentintervention to the manpower regulation tends to decrease.The implementation of Labor MarketFlexibility should be balanced by the effective roles from the government to perform themonitoring and law development and to organize the socially and economically secured system forthe labor force.