Skabies merupakan penyakit kulit yang menjadi masalah kesehatan masyarakat terutama di lingkungan padat penduduk dengan higiene dan sanitasi kurang baik misalnya pesantren. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui prevalensi skabies dan hubungannya dengan karakteristik santri Pesantren X, Jakarta Timur. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross sectional. Data diambil tanggal 22 Januari 2011 dengan melakukan anamnesis dan pemeriksaan dermatologi terhadap semua santri (157 orang). Hasilnya menunjukkan prevalensi skabies adalah 51,6% (putra 93,8% dan putri 6,2%), usia 14-16 tahun (42,1%), pendidikan tsanawiyah (58%), lokasi lesi sela jari tangan (19,2%), keluhan gatal malam hari (64,1%), lama menderita 1-3 bulan, riwayat pengobatan pada putra sudah pernah diobati (89,8%) dan pada putri belum pernah diobati (0,8%). Hasil pengobatan santri membaik pada putra (62,3%) sedangkan putri sembuh (100%). Uji chi square menunjukkan perbedaan bermakna pada prevalensi skabies berdasarkan jenis kelamin (p=0,001) dan pendidikan (p=0,001). Uji Fisher’s exact menunjukkan perbedaan bermakna pada riwayat pengobatan (p=0,039). Uji Kolmogorov Smirnov tidak didapatkan perbedaan bermakna pada usia (p=0,994), keluhan gatal (p=0,992), lama menderita skabies (p=0,992) namun pada hasil pengobatan (p=0,001) didapatkan perbedaan bermakna. Disimpulkan prevalensi skabies pesantren x adalah 51,6% dan berhubungan dengan jenis kelamin, pendidikan, riwayat pengobatan, dan hasil pengobatan tetapi tidak berhubungan dengan usia, keluhan gatal dan lama menderita skabies.
Skabies is a skin disease that becomes public health problem especially in boarding school because they live in crowded environments with hygiene and poor sanitation. The aim of this study is to know the prevalence of skabies and its association with characteristics of boarding school students X, East Jakarta. This cross sectional study was conducted on January 22, 2011 by performing anamnesis and dermatology examination to all students. The results showed that the prevalence of skabies was 51.6% (male 93.8% and female 6.2%), aged 14-16 years (42.1%), education level tsanawiyah (58%), location of lessions on the sidelines of the fingers (19.2%), complaints of itching at night (64.1%), long suffering in 1-3 months, the treatment history of male students had already treated (89.8%) and the treatment history of female students had not been treated (0.8%), the result of treatment outcomes had improved of male students (62.3%) and the female students of treatment outcomes had cured (100%). Chi square test showed meaningful difference in the prevalence of skabies by sexes (p = 0.001) and education level (p =0.001). Fisher’s exact test showed meaningful difference in history of treatment (p=0.039). Kolmogorov Smirnov test didn’t obtain meaningful difference in age (p=0.994), complaints of itching (= 0.992), long suffering from skabies (p= 0.992) but the outcome of treatment (p=0.001) obtained meaningful difference. But there are some tables that states are not significantly different from that. In conclusion, the prevalence of skabies in boarding school X, is 51.6% and the prevalence of skabies associated with gender, educational level, history of treatment, and outcome of treatment but had not associated with age, complaints of itching and long-suffering skabies.