Geographic foundations of environmental health hazards: the need for a place-based perspective -- Environmental health and disease indicators: valuation measures, transition frameworks and burden of disease estimates -- Population health disparities and social injustices: indicators and spatial patterns -- Conceptualization and measurement of race, ethnicity and class -- Environmental health data collection, analysis and visualization: an overview of geographic methodologies -- Global climate change and environmental degradation: place vulnerability and public health challenges -- A spatial analysis of emergent and re-emergent public health risks -- Toxic chemicals: disparate patterns of exposure and health outcomes -- Geographic principles of environmental justice and equity -- Global geographies, environmental injustice and health inequities -- Population disparities in water access, sanitation and health implications -- Food justice, nutritional security and paediatric health outcomes -- Poverty, race and place: a triple whammy hypothesis for minority health geographies -- Globalization, population mobility and immigrant health disparities -- Group disparities in access, quality and utilization of health resources -- Exploring pathways to environmental, health and social equity.