ABSTRAKPada kebanyakan komunitas virtual, termasuk komunitas merek virtual, intensitas perilaku partisipatif lurking selalu lebih tinggi dari intensitas perilaku partisipatif posting. Namun demikian, sebagian besar penelitian selalu berfokus pada perilaku partisipatif posting dan mengabaikan peran perilaku partisipatif lurking. Faktanya, dalam konteks komunitas merek virtual pada perspektif pemasaran, perilaku partisipatif lurking perlu mendapatkan perhatian khusus.
Penelitian ini mencoba untuk menelaah bagaimana value-in-use mendorong perilaku partisipatif posting dan lurking serta implikasinya pada loyalitas merek. Penelitian dilakukan pada beberapa komunitas merek virtual di Indonesia. Data dikumpulkan melalui survei online dan dianalisis melalui Structural Equation Model.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa value-in-use fungsional mendorong perilaku partisipatif posting maupun lurking, sementara tidak cukup bukti akan adanya dorongan value-in-use sosial. Di sisi lain, perilaku partisipatif posting dan lurking menunjukkan dampak positif pada loyalitas merek attitudinal. Sementara itu, hanya perilaku partisipatif lurking yang menunjukkan dampak positif pada loyalitas merek behavioral.
ABSTRAKThe majority of virtual communities, including virtual brand communities, the intensity of lurking participative behavior is always higher than the posting participative behavior intensity. However, most researches have always focused the discussion on the posting participative behavior and ignoring the role of the lurking participative behavior. In fact, in virtual brand community from marketing perspective, the lurking participative behavior needs more critical attention.
This study attempts to examine how value-in-use drives both posting and lurking participative behavior and the implications on brand loyalty. The study was conducted on several virtual brand communities in Indonesia. Data were collected through an online survey and analyzed through Structural Equation Model.
Results of this study suggest that functional value-in-use drives posting and lurking participative behavior while there is not enough evidence on social value-in-use. On the other side, posting and lurking participative behavior show a positive impact on attitudinal brand loyalty. Meanwhile, only lurking participative behavior shows positive impact on behavioral brand loyalty.