Risiko kerusakan integritas kulit perineal merupakan salah satu masalah keperawatan yang muncul pada balita dengan diare. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh perawatan kulit terhadap risiko kerusakan integritas kulit perineal balita dengan diare. Jumlah responden kelompok kontrol dan intervensi masing-masing 45. Desain penelitian quasi experiment dengan pre dan post test with control group.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada pengaruh yang bermakna dimana balita dengan diare yang mendapatkan perawatan kulit sesuai standar praktik dalam penelitian ini mengalami risiko kerusakan integritas kulit lebih rendah (17% atau 6 kali) daripada balita yang mendapatkan perawatan kulit sesuai kebiasaan rumah sakit. Perlunya disusun standar praktik perawatan kulit sebagai pedoman dalam pemberian asuhan keperawatan.
The risk of impaired perineal skin integrity is one of the nursing problems which occurs among children under five years old with diarrhoea. The aim of this study was to identity the influence of skin care to the risk of the area perineal skin integrity among children under five years old with diarrhoea. The numbers of control group respondent and intervention group was 45 for each group. The research design used quasi experiment with pre and post test with control group. The results identified that there was a significant different in which children under five years old with diarrhoea who recene skin care with standard practice recene lower risk of impaired skin integrity (17% or 6 times) than children under five who recened skin care based on hospital procedure. This research recommends that a standard practice for skin care is necessary as a guidance in providing nursing care.