Penelitian berfokus pada analisis proses perumusan kebijakan yang berbentuk undang-undang. UU Nomor 18 Tahun 2012 tentang Pangan merupakan payung hukum atau dapat juga disebut kebijakan publik nasional yang menjadi acuan executive policy di bidang pangan di bawahnya. Metode penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses perumusan UU Nomor 18 Tahun 2012 tentang Pangan telah sesuai dengan tahapan kebijakan publik yang membuka ruang bagi partisipasi masyarakat. Namun masih terdapat kelompok masyarakat yang mengkritik beberapa pasal UU Pangan tersebut. Hal itu terjadi karena kurangnya pemahaman dari kelompok masyarakat terkait dengan pemikiran-pemikiran yang terjadi dalam perumusan pembahasan Undang-Undang Pangan. Menyikapi hal tersebut perlunya keterbukaan informasi sehingga masyarakat memahami secara menyeluruh mengenai sebuah kebijakan.
This research, by taking a study case on Law Number 18 Year 2012, is important as the law is set to address issues on food. The Law Number 18 Year 2012 on Food is a legal umbrella or a national public policy that serves as a reference for executive policy, which hierarchically is below the Law on food. The topic of the research covers the process of deliberation of a Law Number 18 Year 2012, which was initiated by the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia, on food. This research applies descriptive method by using qualitative approach.
The research reveals that the House of Representatives and the government in the making of a policy on food is in accordance with stages of the making of a public policy which opens a room for the public to participate. However, some groups of people who are not satisfied with the outcomes express criticisms due to their lack of knowledge on views and argumentation that were raised during the deliberation and formulation process. In addressing this problem, openness of information on the process of formulation of a law is needed so that people can have an integrated and complete understanding on a policy.