Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan data profil kanalis fallopii segmen
mastoid dan korda timpani sebelum operasi mastoidektomi untuk mengurangi
angka morbiditas cedera kanalis fallopii akibat operasi.
Pada penelitian retrospektif ini dilakukan rekonstruksi High-Resolution Computed
Tomography tulang temporal terhadap 100 tulang temporal normal pada 50 pasien
yang menjalani pemeriksaan CT scan kepala dan leher, yang diambil dari rawdata
mulai Desember 2012 sampai Februari 2013. Rekonstruksi dilakukan dengan
parameter ketebalan irisan 0,6 cm, increment 0,3 cm, Kernel filter Very Sharp
(H70s), Window setting Osteo/Mastoid, menggunakan pesawat MDCT Somatom
Definition Flash Dual Source 128 slice.
Hasil dan diskusi
Bentuk kanalis fallopii segmen mastoid paling banyak ditemukan tipe lurus
sebanyak 75%, defleksi terhadap bidang sagital dan defleksi terhadap bidang
horizontal anatomi paling banyak ditemukan tidak terdapat defleksi sebanyak 62%
dan 68%. Percabangan korda timpani paling banyak ditemukan intratemporal
sebanyak 75%, yang tersering pada 1/3 distal kanalis fallopii segmen mastoid.
Sudut korda timpani yang dibentuk korda timpani terhadap kanalis fallopii
segmen mastoid paling banyak ditemukan antara 16 sampai 30 derajat sebanyak
37,3%. Ukuran korda timpani yang minimal tervisualisasi adalah 0,04 cm.
Proporsi defleksi kanalis fallopii se
This research was conducted to obtain profile data of mastoid segment of
fallopian canal and tympanic cord before masteidectomy to reduce the morbidity
rate of surgery-related fallopian canal injury.
Material and method
In this retrospective study reconstruction of High Resolution Computed
Tomography of the temporal bone in 100 normal temporal bone in 50 patients
who underwent a CT scan of the head and neck, were taken from the raw-data
from December 2012 to February 2013. Reconstruction is done by parameters
slice thickness 0,6 cm, increment 0,3 cm, Kernel filter Very Sharp (H70s),
Window setting Osteo/Mastoid,using MDCT Somatom Definition Flash Dual
Source 128 slice.
Mastoid segment of fallopian canal commonly found type of straight as much as
75%, deflection of the sagittal plane and the horizontal field of anatomy most
commonly found there was no deflection were 62% and 68%, respectively.
Branching chordate tympani most commonly found intratemporal as much as
75%, which is common in 1/3 distal of mastoid segmen fallopian canal. The
angled formed by chorda tympani and mastoid segment fallopian canal is most
prevalent among 16 to 30 degrees as much as 37.3%. The minimum size of the
chorda tympani is 0.04 cm.
Proportion of deflection mastoid segment facial canal of the sagittal and
horizontal plane there is no deflection.