Tesis ini membahas tentang faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi intensi konsumen minuman kopi dalam mengkonsumsi minuman energi dan intensi konsumen minuman energi untuk mengkonsumsi kopi, dilihat dari perspektif theory of planned behavior. Sikap berpengaruh terhadap perilaku tersebut. Norma subyektif hanya berpengaruh terhadap intensi peminum minuman energi untuk mengkonsumsi kopi meskipun minuman energi tersedia. Perceived behavioral control tidak berpengaruh karena jenis produk yang diteliti tergolong low-involvemeni product. Konsumen berpersepsi memiliki kontrol atas perilaku yang mudah dilakukan ini. Konsumen mengkonsumsi produk berdasarkan fungsional produk tersebut dan tidak berhubungan dengan prestise, status sosial, maupun yang mempengaruhi pertimbangan konsumen terhadap pandangan referen bila mereka mengkonsumsi kopi atau minuman energi tersebut.
The focus of this study is to investigate which factors may influence intention of coffee drinker to consume energy drink, as well as energy drink consumers to consume coffee, referring to theory of planner behavior. It is attitude toward behavior which signiticantly influences the intention. Subjective norm only takes part in intention of energy drink consumers to consume coffee although their energy drink is available. Perceived behavioral control has insignificant influence towards the intention as coffee and energy drinks are low-involvement products. Consumers may perceive possessing behavioral control towards purchasing, acquiring, and consuming the fuctional products which are not related to either social status, prestige, or what others may think of their behavior.