Tujuan penelitian ini untuk memperoleh informasi tentang peran IMD dengan breast crawl. Informan penelitian ini II orang ibu, bayi, suami, dan bidan, menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Mengikuti mulai bayi lahir, hingga berakhirnya masa neonatal dan tidak mendapat ASI eksklusif. Rentang waktu IMD dengan breast crawl paling lama 1,5 jam. Pengarnbilan data dengan wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan penelusuran dokumen.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ASI eksklusif gaga! diberikan. 2 jam setelah lahir, bayi diberi susu formula. IMD dengan breast crawl bukanlah satu-satunya faktor pencegah perdarahan dan pengeluaran plasenta karena bidan juga melakukan intervensi. Tidak dapat dibuktikan manfaat IMD dengan breast crawl dalam mencegah perdarahan, meningkatkan pemberian ASI eksklusif dan mencegah kematian neonatus, dihubungkan dengan tahap yang dilakukan bayi. Diperlukan penelitian lebih lanjut untuk mengctahui manfaat lain IMD dengan breast Crawl.
The purpose of the study is to find-out the information regarding to the role of Early Initiation Breastfeeding (EIB) with breast crawl. The study is using the qualitative approach, which have informant consists of 11 mothers, babies, the husband and midwives. The babies are followed from the beginning they were born until the end of post-partum period and never received exclusive breastfeeding. The longest time range of the Em with breast crawl is 1.5 hours. Data were collected by using the in-depth intaview, observation, and document assessment.The study found that exclusive breastfeeding are being failed to perform until 2 hours post delivery, and the baby is given the formula milk The EIB is not tbe only factors that can prevent the bleeding and placenta expelled as the midwives are also do intervention. The advantage of the EIB with breast crawl is cannot be proven as the prevention factors on bleeding, increasing the administering of exclusive breastfeeding, and preventing the neonatal death, in correlation with the baby performance stages. There is a subsequently research in order to find out more about the advantage of EIB with the breast crawl.