Tujuan: menganalisis aktivitas speslfik enzim MnSOD pada karsinogenesis payudam tikus yang diioduksi DMBA dan hobungannya dengan sires oksidatif.
Disain: penelitian eksperimen in vivo dengan menggunnakan hewan coba.
Metode: Sampel penelitian ini adalah darah dan jaringan payudara tikus betina Sprsgue Dawley (Rmtus norveglcus L.),yang diiodoksi dengan 2Q mglkg BB DMBA dalam minyak jagung sebanyak 2, 4, 6, 8 dan 10 kall serta kelompok konttol yang hanya diberikan minyak jagung secam oral. Dari sampel damh dan jaringan payudara diukur aktivitas MnSOD dengan kit RanSOD", enzim ks1lilase, kadar MDA dan kadar asam sialat Homogenat jaringan payudara diukur aktivitas spesifik enzim MnSOD dan ks1lilase, kadar seoyawa karbonil, MDA, asam sialat serta analisis jaringan bistopatologi.
Hasil: Penurunan aktivitas spesifik enzim MnSOD pada damh secara bennakna, peningkatan yang tidak bennakna pada jaringan kemudian menurun bennakna, dan ada hubungan positif lemah antara aktivitas MnSOD di damh dan jaringan. Aktivita.? enzim ks1lilase plasma turun kemudian meningkat secara bermakna, dan menurun seeara bennakna pada jaringan. Kadar MDA plasma darah mula-mula meningkat kemudian turun, pada jaringan payudara meningkat seeam bennakna pada semua kelompok pedakuan. Kadar senyawa karbon pada jaringan payudara yang diiodoksi DMBA menurun pada semua kelompok perlakuan dibandingkan dengan kontrol meski tidak bermakna secara statistik.
Background: The aim of this study is to analyze the specific activity of MnSOD in blood and rat's breast cell iodueed by chemical carcinogen DMBA related to oxidative stress. Design: This is an in vivo experimental study. Method: This study was eooducted on 30 female Sprague Dawley rats whieh were divided into 6 gronps and were induced twice. 4 times, 6 times, 8 times and I 0 times by 20 mglkg DMBA in com oil omlly. Rats were sacrificed 5 weeks after treatment, and the blood and breast were used for measurement of specific activity of MnSOD enzyme using RanSOD"' kit and catalase, also the level of sialic acid, MDA, protein carbonyl and histnpsthology analysis. Result; Detetmlnation of specific activity of MnSOD in blood and breast cells in the lower levels compare to the control group and there were positive weak relationship between specific activity of MnSOD in blood and breast cells. Specific activity of catalase was decrease in early carcinogenesis then increase in blood and increase in all treatment groups in breast cells. The plasma MDA level was lower than control group in early induodon then dacrease but increase in breast cells in all tteatment groups. The protein carbonyl level was dacrease in all treatment groups compare to control one. Conclusion: Specific activity of MnSOD is decrease in blood and breast cells in rats induced by DMBA. There are relationships between specific activity of MnSOD and the level of sialic acid, MDA, protein carbonyl, score of bistopsthology and specific activity of catalase.