Ameloblastoma merupakan jenis tumor odontogenik yang umumnya jinak. Namun demikian, kurang dari 2% kasus ameloblastoma mengalami metastasis, terutama ke paru. Kami melaporkan satu kasus ameloblastik karsinoma dengan metastasis di kedua paru setelah 10 tahun pasca reseksi tumor primer dan 2 tahun pasca kemoterapi.
AbstractAmeloblastoma is a type of odontogenic tumor and generally considered as a benign tumor. However, less than 2% of ameloblastoma were found to have metastases, mostly to the lung. We reported a case of 46-year-old man presenting with an ameloblastic carcinoma with lung metastases 10 years after the primary tumor was resected and 2 years after chemotherapy. Keywords: ameloblastoma, chemotherapy, radiation.