Tujuan Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur besarnya efek kombinasi ekstrak Phaseolus vulgaris dan akarbose dibandingkan dengan akarbose saja dalam menurunkan kadar glukosa posprandial pada sukarelawan sehat setelah makan nasi. Metode Sampel darah diambil pada waktuwaktu tertentu sampai tiga jam setelah makan nasi. Parameter kadar glukosa posprandial adalah luas area di bawah kurva kadar glukosa terhadap waktu selama tiga jam setelah makan nasi. Hasil Setelah pemberian kombinasi ini terjadi penurunan luas area di bawah kurva sebesar 21.6%, sedangkan pada pemberian akarbose terjadi penurunan sebesar 22.9%. Simpulan Pemberian kom binasi ekstrak Phaseolus vulgaris dosis 1500 mg dan akarbose dosis 50 mg menghasilkan penurunan kadar glukosa posprandial yang tidak bermakna jika dibandingkan pemberian 50 mg akarbose saja.
AbstractAim: This study was aimed to measure the effects of combination Phaseolus vulgaris extract and acarbose compared to acarbose alone on postprandial glucose concentration in healthy volunteers after cooked rice intake. Methods: Blood sample were obtained at several time points up to three hours after cooked rice intake. The parameter for postprandial glucose concentration is the area under the curve (AUC) of glucose concentration vs.time for three hours after cooked rice intake. Results: After taking this combination, postprandial glucose concentration was reduced by 21.6%, while the reduction by acarbose alone was 22.9%. Conclusions: The reduction of postprandial glucose concentration after administration of this combination was not significantly different compared to that after administration of acarbose alone. Keywords: Phaseolus vulgaris extract, acarbose, postprandial glucose concentration.