Penelitian ini membahas kemenangan WP (Workers Party) di Aljunied GRC (Group Representative Constituency) dalam Pemilu Parlemen Singapura 2011. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksplanatif dengan metode kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kemenangan partai oposisi tersebut ditentukan oleh faktor historis dan demografis, pernyataan kontroversial Lee Kuan Yew terhadap para pemilih di Aljunied GRC, dan keefektifan strategi WP yang berhasil mengajukan kandidat populer di distrik tersebut. Selain itu, kemenangan WP ini juga terbantu oleh isu-isu nasional yang menjatuhkan citra PAP (People's Action Party) sebagai partai berkuasa, kemunculan internet sebagai media kampanye, dan kehadiran jumlah pemilih muda dalam jumlah signifikan.
The focus of this study is the victory of Workers Party in Aljunied GRC (Group Representative Constituency) during the Singaporean 2011 Parliamentary General Election. This is an explanative research that uses qualitative approach. The study shows that the victory of the opposition party was determined by historical and demographic factor, Lee Kuan Yew's controversial statement about the voters in Aljunied GRC, and the effectiveness of WP's strategy in fielding popular candidates in the particular district. Beside those factors, the victory of WP was also supported by national issues which ruined the image of PAP (People's Action Party) as the ruling party, the advent of internet as a media of political campaigning, and the significant number of young voters.