Latar belakang: Prevotella intermedia terdapat pada implan gigi diduga mengekspresikan mRNA ClpB yang merupakan tanda terjadinya peri-implantitis.
Tujuan: Mendeteksi dan membandingan rata-rata ekspresi mRNA ClpB Pi pada implan gigi sehat dan periodontitis kronis.
Metode: Plak implan gigi sehat dan periodontitis kronis dikultur dan diekstraksi RNAnya. Kemudian dideteksi dan dilakukan semi-kuantifikasi dengan PCR.
Hasil: Ekspresi ClpB implan gigi sehat inkubasi 6x24 jam 117,24%, inkubasi 11x24 jam 98,4%, periodontitis kronis inkubasi 6x24 jam 93,36%, dan inkubasi 11x24 jam 97,86%.
Kesimpulan: Rata- rata ekspresi ClpB Pi lebih tinggi pada subjek implan gigi sehat.]
Background: Prevotella intermedia which found on dental implant suspected to express ClpB mRNA as a sign of peri-implantitis.
Objectives: To detect and compare the mean expression of ClpB mRNA Pi on healthy dental implant and chronic periodontitis.
Methods: Healthy dental implant and chronic periodontitis plaque cultured and the RNA extracted. Then, detection and semi-quantification of ClpB mRNA using PCR.
Result: ClpB expression on healthy dental implant incubated for 6x24 hours 117,2%, incubated for 11x24 hours 98,4%, on chronic periodontitis incubated for 11x24 hours 93,36%, and incubated for 11x24 hours 97,86%.
Conclusion: The means expression of ClpB mRNA Pi are higher in healthy dental implant.