ABSTRAKThesis ini membahas bagaimana faktor negara asal (country of origin),aspirasi,
dan ketidakpastian dalam mempengaruhi brand image dan keinginan untuk
membeli pada produk premium Cina, yakni Ktouch V9. Penelitian ini merupakan
penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan model struktural sebagai dasar
pengolahan datanya. Penelitian ini menghasilkan beberapa temuan, antara kain
terdapat hubungan signifikan antara country of origin dengan brand image; brand
image terhadap aspiration dan uncertainty, aspiration terhadap purchase intention
dan uncertainty terhadap purchase intention. Di sisi lain, tidak terdapat hubungan
signifikan antara country of origin terhadap aspiration maupun uncertainty, dan
brand image terhadap purchase intention pada Ktouch V9.
ABSTRACTThe focus of this study is about the Country of origin, aspiration and uncertainty
effects towards brand image and purchase intention on Ktouch V9, a Chinese
Premium Smartphone. This is a quantitative research which use structural
equation model. The Results of this study shows that there are significant
influence between country of origin towards brand image; brand image towards
aspiration and uncertainty; aspiration and uncertainty towards purchasei ntention.
Furthermore, there are no significant influence between country of origin towards
aspiration and uncertainty; and brand image towards purchase intention.