ABSTRAKTesis ini membahas mengenai pengaruh service quality ( technical and
functional quality ), relationship satisfaction ( trust dan commitment ) terhadap
satisfaction ( kepuasaan ) dan loyalty ( loyalitas ) pada retailer provider kartu 3
(Tri), Kepercayaan yang baik di mata konsumen dibutuhkan para provider untuk
membangkitkan kepuasan pelanggan terhadap provider. Menurut Tjiptono (
2005), kualitas pelayanan adalah tingkat keunggulan yang diharapkan dan
pengendalian atas tingkat keunggulan tersebut untuk memenuhi keinginan
pelanggan. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara kualitatif yang dibangun berdasarkan
penelitian sebelumnya dari Ruben Chumpitaz Service quality, relationship
satisfaction, trust, commitment and business –to- business loyalty (2006). Dari
hasil penelitian didapatkan adanya pengaruh antara service quality ( technical
and functional quality ), relationship satisfaction ( trust dan commitment )
terhadap satisfaction ( kepuasaan ) dan loyalty ( loyalitas ). Diharapkan dengan
penelitian ini provider Tri dapat terus meningkatkan customer satisfaction agar
dapat meningkatkan loyalty dari pelanggan.
ABSTRACTThis thesis highlights the importance of the effect of service quality (Technical
and Functional Quality), Relationship Quality (Trust and Commitment) of
Satisfaction and Loyalty of Tri’s Retailer. Every company needs to build believe
in order to get customer satisfaction. PT. Hutchison CP Telecommunications (Tri)
has given the best to its customers. According to Tjiptono ( 2005), service quality
is the level of excellence expected and control over the level of excellence to meet
the customer. The research was conducted qualitatively based on previous studies
of Ruben Chumpitaz Service quality, relationship satisfaction, trust, commitment
and business-to-business loyalty (2006). From the results, there is influence of
service quality (technical and functional quality), relationship satisfaction (trust
and commitment) to the satisfaction and loyalty. Hopefully with this finding that
Tri could improve customer satisfaction which makes the level of customer more
loyal to Tri.