Kenaikan harga BBM yang terjadi pada periode Oktober 2005 - 15 Desember 2008 menimbulkan dampak pada seluruh bidang. Skripsi ini membahas ekonomi global yang melatarbelakangi kenaikan harga BBM dan mempengaruhi dikeluarkannya Peraturan Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Nomor 05/MEN/2008, serta melihat dampak kenaikan BBM tersebut pada investasi usaha perikanan. Melalui penelitian hukum normatif, diketahui bahwa kenaikan harga BBM memaksa pemerintah mengeluarkan Peraturan Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan untuk melindungi investor dan pelaku usaha di bidang perikanan. Peraturan tersebut telah memberikan nuansa positif dalam pengembangan Unit Pengolahan Ikan di Indonesia. Pemerintah perlu memberikan kemudahan administratif dan penetapan peraturan pemerintah yang mendukung pelaku usaha perikanan.
The increasing of the fuel price that occurred in the period of October 2005 - December, 15, 2008, had the various impact. This study describe the global economic condition that caused the increasing of the fuel price, and issued The Regulation of The Ministry of The Sea and Fishery No. 05/MEN/2008, also describe the impact of that regulation to the fishery investment. By the research on the normative law, is known that the increasing of the fuel price have pushed the government to issue that regulation in order to protect the fishery investor and businessman. That regulation have the positive athmosphire for investor and businessman to develop the fishery processing company in Indonesia. The government have to make the fishery business easier to manage of their administration and issue the regulation that support the fishery business.