Skripsi ini membahas kejadian Berat Bayi Lahir Rendah di wilayah kerja puskesmas Sungai Ulin Kota Banjarbaru Provinsi. Kalimantan Selatan berdasarkan data sekunder register kohort ibu dan bayi tahun 2010 sampai 2011. Desain penelitian cross sectional melibatkan 107 sampel yang diambil secara simple random sampling, sebagai variabel independen : jenis kelamin bayi, pertambahan berat badan selama kehamilan, umur ibu, Lingkar lengann atas (LILA), Paritas, Jarak kehamilan, umur kehamilan, ANC dan variabel dependen berat lahir. Analisis bivariat menggunakan uji khi kuadrat, hasil penelitian terdapat 30,8 % Bayi Berat Lahir Rendah, terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antar pertambahan berat badan selama hamil,LILA dan ANC terhadap Berat Lahir. Perlu dilakukan tindak lanjut ibu hamil dengan risiko BBLR.
This thesis discussed the incidence of low birth weight baby in the the working area of Sungai Ulin Health Center, Banjarbaru City, South Kalimantan Province, based on the secondary data of cohort registered of mothers and infants in 2010 and 2011. Cross sectional is the design of study involved 107 samples taken by simple random sampling Independent variables : sex, weight gain during pregnancy, mothers age, LILA, pregnancy distance parity, gestational age, ANC, and birth weight infants as a dependent variable Analysis bivariat. Using Chi-Square test, the results are 30.8% Low Birth Weight Babies, there was a significant association between weight gain during pregnancy, Lila and the ANC on Birth Weight. Need to do a follow up of pregnant women with risk of LBW.