Penelitan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara persepsi bawahan terhadap leadership practices atasan dengan team effectiveness. Berdasarkan pre-eliminary test berupa kuesioner hambatan organisasi, menunjukkan bahwa secara umum terdapat kondisi team yang kurang baik pada PT. XYZ Syariah. Kondisi ini tidak selaras dengan budaya kerja PT. XYZ Syariah yaitu Jamaah (bekerja bersama-sama). Kondisi team yang kurang baik dipengaruhi antara lain karena kapasitas leader yang kurang mumpuni dalam mengelola bawahan. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan mengukur hubungan antara persepsi bawahan terhadap leadership practices atasan dengan team effectiveness. Leadership practices di ukur dengan menggunakan Leadership Practices Inventory yang terdiri dari 30 item (=0,967) dan Team Effectiveness dengan menggunakan Five Function Team yang terdiri dari 15 item ( = 0,924).
Hasil penelitian pada 41 orang pegawai dari 8 divisi menunjukkan hubungan positif yang signifikan antara persepsi bawahan terhadap leadership practices atasan dan team effectiveness (r = 0,627**,p<.0,01). Berarti semakin tinggi leadership practices maka akan semakin tinggi pula team effectiveness. Peneliti kemudian merancang intervensi yang dapat meningkatkan persepsi bawahan terhadap leadership practices atasan berupa pelatihan kepemimpinan kepada para atasan, yang diharapkan dapat meningkatkan team effectiveness pada bawahannya.
This research aims to determine the relationship between subordinate perceptions of supervisor leadership practices with team effectiveness. Based on a eliminary pre-test questionnaire organizational blockages, suggesting that in general there is a lack of teamwork condition at PT. XYZ Sharia. These condition not in line with the PT. XYZ Sharia culture which is jamaah (working together). Unfavorable conditions affected team partly because of the capacity of leader who not qualified enough to manage subordinates. This hypothesis is verified by measuring the relationship between subordinate perceptions of supervisor leadership practices with team effectiveness. Leadership practices was measured with Leadership Practices Inventory which consists of 30 items ( = 0,967) and Team Effectiveness was measured Five Function Team consisting of 15 items ( = 0,924). Results of the study on 41 employees from eight divisions showed there is a positive significant relationship between subordinate perceptions of supervisor leadership practices and team effectiveness (r = 0,627 **, p <0,01), which means the higher leadership practices the higher team effectiveness. Researchers then design interventions that can improve the perception of subordinates to superiors leadership practices provide leadership training to their superiors, and with these intervention should improving team effectiveness at their subordinat.