Tesis ini membahas mengenai peran atribut individu yaitu self-efficacy dan daya inovasi dalam mendukung kesiapan penerapan KM di Ornop HA. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa staf tetap dan staf tidak tetap Ornop HA menunjukkan sikap yang rendah terhadap penerapan KM karena merasa bahwa KM belum menjadi hal yang penting, serta daya inovasi memberikan pengaruh lebih besar dibandingkan dengan self-efficacy dalam hal sikap terhadap kesiapan penerapan KM. Intervensi yang diusulkan dalam jangka pendek adalah pendayagunaan CoP (community of practice) dan keterlibatan di jejaring kerja ornop sementara untuk jangka panjang adalah peningkatan komitmen serta pembenahan pengelolaan sumber daya manusia.
This thesis discusses the role of individual attributes, namely self-efficacy and innovativeness, to support the Knowledge Management (KM) readiness in an NGO named HA. This research employs quantitative and qualitative methods. The results indicated that the permanent staffs and the associates of this NGO had low attitude towards the implementation of KM because KM had not been seen as importance factor in the development of organization. In addition, the innovativeness had greater influence on the attitudes towards the KM readiness that of the self-efficacy. Based on the research, it is proposed to have short term interventions namely the utilization of Community of Practice (CoP) and the involvement in NGO networks and the long term interventions are to enhance commitment and reorganization human resources.