Pencapaian produktivitas perusahaan PT. XYZ kurang optimal disebabkan terdapat berbagai hambatan, salah satu hambatan yang sering terjadi di area produksi yaitu waste. Sehingga untuk mengurangi waste tersebut diperkenalkanlah metode Value Stream Mapping yang merupakan salah satu metode lean manufacturing. Keunggulan VSM yaitu dapat mengvisualisasikan aliran proses value added, necessary but non value added dan non value added. Serta dilakukan improvement pada beberapa workstation agar sistem produksi menjadi lebih baik, selanjutnya dilakukan simulasi pada current VSM dan propose VSM.
Output dari penelitian ini adalah identifikasi waste dimana waste terbesar pada perusahaan ini adalah waiting, penurunan lead time material menjadi lebih cepat 19%, penurunan aktivitas transportasi sebesar 11%, pengurangan inventory sebanyak 16% dan peningkatan throughput produksi sebesar 24%.
Productivity gains of PT. XYZ is less optimal because there are many obstacles, one of the obstacles that often occur in the production area is waste. Reducing this waste can use Value Stream Mapping Method, which is one of the methods of lean manufacturing. Advantage that it can be visualization process flow of value added, necessary but non value added and non-value added. Besides that doing some improvement on multiple workstations to be a better system of production system, then performed simulations based on current VSM and Propose VSM. Output of this research; to identify the biggest waste where this the biggest waste of company is waiting, decrease lead time material to be faster 19%, reduction of transport activity by 11%, reduction in inventory by 16% and increase production throughput by 24%.