Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) adalah salah satu masalah kesehatan masyarakat yang paling sering ditemui di Kecamatan Bayah. Hal inilah yang mendasari peneltian ini yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui habitat, kepadatan, dan penyebaran vektor DBD yaitu Aedes sp sehingga DBD nantinya dapat diberantas. Survei menggunakan single-larva method yaitu mengambil satu larva setiap container di 100 rumah penduduk kedua desa dan selanjutnya larva diidentifikasi menggunakan mikroskop. Data lalu dianalisis menggunakan uji chisquare. Survei entomologi dilakukan pada tanggal 12-14 Agustus 2009. Dari 100 rumah di Desa Bayah Barat didapatkan house index 55%, container index 16,9% , dan breteau index 75, dan di Bayah Timur house index 26%, container index 11,8% , breteau index 38. Tingkat penyebaran DBD di Desa Bayah Barat dan Timur tergolong tinggi karena house index >10% dan container index >5%. Larva lebih banyak ditemukan pada container di luar rumah di Desa Bayah Timur dibandingkan Desa Bayah Barat. Pada uji chi-square, didapatkan p =1,000 yang berarti tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara keberadaan larva dengan lokasi desa. Disimpulkan Desa Bayah Barat dan Timur tergolong transmisi tinggi DBD dan keberadaan Aedes sp tidak berhubungan dengan lokasi.
Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) is a health problem in Bayah District. This is the main reason this research was done in order to understand the habitat, density, and spreading of the DHF vector for eradication of DHF. The survey using the single-larva method, which took a single larva from each container in 100 houses in both villages then indentify the larva using the microscope. The acquired data is tested with Chi-square test. Entomology surveillance was done on August 12-14 2009. Of 100 houses in West Bayah Vilage, the house index of 55%, container index of 16,9%, and breteau index of 75 is obtained; and in East Bayah Village house index of 26%, container index of 11,8%, and breteau index of 38 is obtained. The DHF transmission rate in West Bayah and East Bayah Village is high due to house index > 10% and container index> 5%. More larva is found in outside house container in Rast Bayah Village than West Bayah. Using chi-square test, value of p = 1,000 is obtained which means there is no statistically significant difference between the larva existence and the location of the village. It can be concluded that the transmission rate in West Bayah and East Bayah Village is high and the existence of Aedes is not related with location of the village.