Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana proses dan dinamika komunikasi mahasiswa perantauan di UNPAD Bandung dalam beradaptasi, ketika menghadapi culture shock. Culture shock merupakan gejala sosial yang dialami oleh perantau ketika pindah dan mendiami daerah dengan kultur budaya yang berbeda. Penelitan ini menggunakan beberapa konsep dan teori besar di antaranya CAT, KAB, dan Adaptasi Budaya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode snowball dan purposive sampling dalam pemilihan informannya, kemudian di analisis dengan menggunakan metode analisis tematik. Dalam penelitian ini, ditemukan bahwa terdapat sejumlah kecenderungan seseorang dalam beradaptasi dengan budaya asing di sekitarnya, yang kemudian menentukan pemilihan tipe adaptasinya agar bisa bertahan di perantauan.
The purpose of this research is to see how the process and commucation?s dynamic of the sojourners college student at UNPAD, Bandung during the period of adaptation while they were dealing with culture shock. Culture shock is a social phenomenon experineced by the sojourners college student student when they are moving into a region which is having a different culture. This research uses some of concepts and common theories which are CAT, KAB, and cultural adaptation. This research uses snowball method and purposive sampling in chosing the informants, then the researsh will be analyzed with the method of thematic analysys. Furthermore, this research reveals that there are some tendencies of someone while they are in the process of adaptation with the foreign culture around them, that later on will determine the selection of the type of adaptation in order to survive in the sojourners college student.