Arsitektur dapat hadir secara permanen maupun temporer. Arsitektur temporer sering ditemui dalam kehidupan sehari-hari lewat berbagai macam bentuk, mulai dari arsitektur portabel pasca bencana, panggung hiburan, pameran maupun dalam festival. Kehadiran suatu bentuk arsitektur temporer mengubah pengalaman ruang di suatu ruang yang telah ada sebelumnya. Melalui arsitektur temporer, suatu tempat kembali didefinisikan dalam kurun waktu yang terbatas dan tidak tetap. Pengadaannya hanya dalam durasi tertentu karena pertimbangan siklus dan manajemen waktu.
Arsitektur temporer ini, dapat diadakan di mana saja, salah satunya di jalan. Bentuk dari arsitektur temporer di jalan bisa berupa benda-benda dekoratif saja ataupun struktur yang melibatkan aktivitas di dalamnya. Ruang jalan kembali dimaknai dan dialami secara berbeda saat arsitektur temporer diadakan di dalamnya. Makna jalan pun berubah, dari ruang sirkulasi kota menjadi suatu ruang dan tempat warga kota bersosialisasi.
Architecture can be presented permanently and temporarily. Temporary architectures are often encountered in everyday life through a variety of forms, ranging from post-disaster portable architecture, performance stage, exhibitions as well as in the festival. The presence of temporary architecture changed the experience of space that has already existed before. Through temporary architecture, a place is re-defined in the limited time period and not permanently. The procurement is only in specific duration due to the time cycle and time management.These temporary architectures can be held anywhere including on street. Forms of temporary architecture on the street can be just decorative objects or structures that involve activities in it. Street space is re-interpreted and experienced differently when temporary architecture is created there. The meaning of the street is transformed, from the circulation space of the city into a space and place where people gather and socialize.