Penelitian yang dilakukan di RSUD Bengkalis ini mempunyai tujuan untuk mengetahui faktor- faktor yang mempengaruhi pemakaian APD pada bidan saat melakukan pertolongan persalinan pada bulan Maret - April tahun 2012. Desain penelitian ini adalah Potong Lintang dengan sampel 33 orang.
Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa yang menggunakan APD saat melakukan pertolongan persalinan sebesar 69,6%. Ada hubungan antara pengetahuan dengan perilaku penggunaan APD (p<0,05), serta tidak ada hubungan 8 variabel lain dengan penggunaan APD (p>0,05).
Disarankan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan bidan tentang keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja melalui informasi tentang potensi bahaya di tempat kerja, manfaat APD serta peningkatan pengetahuan melalui pelatihan.
Research conducted in hospitals Bengkalis has a goal to determine the factors that influence the use of PPE at the midwife during delivery assistance by March 2012. Cut the design of this study is the latitude of the sample with 33 people. Data were tested using chi-square with 95% significant level (0.05). The study found that the use of PPE during delivery assistance by 69.6%. There is a relationship between knowledge of the behavior of the use of PPE (p <0.005), and there is no relationship between attitudes, old work, the policy of the hospital, the midwife's perception of illness Hepatitis B and HIV / AIDS, midwives perceptions about the seriousness of hepatitis B and HIV / AIDS, the influence of peers, the influence of external / mass media and midwives perceptions of barriers to the use of PPE (p> 0.005). It is recommended to increase the midwives knowledge about occupational safety and health through information about potential hazards in the workplace, the benefits of APD and enhancement of knowledge through training.