Skripsi ini membahas tokoh Bean dalam serial televisi Mr. Bean (1990) sebagai contoh parodi terhadap ide maskulinitas Britishman. Parodi terhadap maskulinitas Britishman akan dianalisis melalui cara tokoh Mr. Bean memperlakukan tubuh tanpa memandang konsep heteronormativitas yang hidup di lingkungan sekitarnya, berdasarkan beberapa adegan yang terdapat dalam episode Mr. Bean, The Return of Mr. Bean, dan The Curse of Mr. Bean. Selain itu, parodi terhadap ide maskulinitas karakter Britishman pada teks penelitian akan ditinjau dengan kebiasaan para mahasiswa Oxford dan Cambridge University (Oxbridge Men) di awal abad 19, yang diketahui sebagai cikal bakal konsep Britishman di Inggris. Melalui penelitian ini, penulis menemukan bahwa Mr. Bean adalah seorang dengan identitas jender yang tidak dapat didefinisikan, namun ia telah menjadi subjek atas tubuhnya sendiri.
The purpose of this final thesis is to analyze the character of Bean in the Mr. Bean tv shows (1990) as a form of parody toward the concept of Britishman masculinity. The analysis is conducted by examining how Mr. Bean treats his own body without a regard to the concept of heteronomativity around him, based on several scenes from the episodes of Mr. Bean, The Return of Mr. Bean, and The Curse of Mr. Bean. Furthermore, the parody toward the concept of Britishman masculinity in this paper will be examined in its connection with the habit of students from Oxford and Cambridge University (Oxbridge Men) in the beginning of 19th century, which has been known as the role model of an ideal Britishman in England. Through this study, the writer found that Mr. Bean is a gender entity who can't be easily defined, and instead mould his own identity as a subject based on his body.